(Innocence For Sale Book 1) Read online
Page 9
“Oh, hi. I didn’t expect you to still be awake.”
“Can you come sit with me?”
“Well… I dunno, I’m pretty tired, want to get some sleep as soon as I can, you know? Can we talk tomorrow? I’m really sorry about that shit at the office. I never spread the word around about why you were with me, how we met or anything, I promise you that. Daniel was just there when-”
“Please?” I patted the cushion next to me.
He loosened his tie and slumped a little, but came and sat on the couch. I grabbed one of his hands with both of mine and held it in my lap.
“This is kind of hard to say, I’ve been trying to think of words that don’t sound dumb ever since I left the office. Um… Kris… I might be young, but I’m not stupid.”
“I didn’t think you were.”
“I know something’s going on here.”
“What do you mean?”
“Why don’t you want to… to have sex with me?”
“I told you, I just want to take my time. There’s no hurry.”
I frowned. “I don’t think that’s true. Are you having second thoughts about this whole thing? Have you decided you don’t like the idea of… paying for it? I can understand that, I mean… I don’t like the idea of being paid for it. But I wasn’t lying yesterday. I like you. Nobody else has ever made me feel as sexy as you have. Can’t we concentrate on that? The part of this that’s real?”
“It’s not that.”
“Well, what? Do you have… a girlfriend somewhere? Fiancé? Are you feeling guilty about cheating on somebody?”
I paused for a long, uncomfortable while. “Was it something I did? You can tell me. I can be better.”
Kris shot to his feet. “No! I don’t have time for the Spanish Inquisition. Everything’s fine. It’s been a long day, I’ve got to get some sleep, I’ll see you in the morning.”
He stormed off to his room and my hands flopped back to my lap, unable to keep a hold of him. His door shut with a conclusiveness that couldn’t have been any clearer if it could speak English.
After a few minutes, I stood and retreated to my room. I needed help, and there was only one person I could turn to.
I wrote an email to Ada on my phone, begging for some ideas, and sent it before getting ready for bed. For a couple hours, I tossed and turned, checking my phone what seemed like every few minutes. It was after 2am when I saw a reply.
[email protected] Subject: Re: Help!
Hi Amy,
This sure does sound strange, I’ve never come across any client behaving quite like this before. That said, you still have time to get through this, so don’t panic yet.
Every man has a weakness when it comes to women, we just need to find out what his is. I promise you, there is something you can do that he will not be able to resist. You’re an IFS girl, if you can’t do it, then nobody can and the human race is probably doomed to go extinct due to lack of interest in breeding.
Below is my go-to list of kinks. You’ve got some outfits there with you, for some of the others you might need to improvise and find the right equipment. This should be more than enough to keep you busy today, but let me know how it goes and I’ll get the brain trust working on the problem with some more suggestions for tomorrow…
“I could put a carrot in your ass.”
Hands down, weirdest day of my life. I’d spent a good portion of the night tossing and turning, feeling guilty about everything that had happened with Amy and wondering how she was going to be when she emerged from her bedroom.
How badly had that cocksucker, Daniel, embarrassed her? How was my continued rejection affecting her?
I thought she might have been quiet and withdrawn. Maybe angry. Instead, she was like a kink-chameleon. Every quarter of an hour she was trying to entice me with one thing or another.
First thing in the morning I had a one-woman cheer squad pepping me up to eat my breakfast (“Give me a D!”). While I was going over some paperwork at my desk in my home office she was a sultry little secretary wanting to take DICKtation.
In any other week, I’d have taken her where she stood. This was no ordinary week though.
It only went downhill from there. I told her to put the fucking candle out before she dripped any hot wax on me. I had no interest in her dressing up in a full-body fox suit like the guy handing out pamphlets on the street corner. And now this. A carrot? In my ass?
“Would you like that?” she asked, looking at a vegetable stall across the street from the restaurant, while we waited for Bernard to bring the car.
“No! Hell no.”
My car pulled up and Bernard rushed around to open the back door for us. Amy hopped in while I glanced around to make sure nobody had heard her last comments. The coast seemed clear.
“Where to next?” she asked.
“Dreamzone Fun Park,” I said.
“I hear that place gets pretty busy. Crowded. So, in the middle of all those people, did you want to…”
I sighed. “No. First, I’ve hired the whole place out for just the two of us. Second… Amy… I’m still sorry about what happened yesterday. I’m sorry that anybody else knows about why you’re with me this week. I’ve felt lucky to have you around and I wish we could have met another way. Can you please just… go back to being yourself?”
Amy slumped a little as she mulled it over. It might have been a dumb move on my part, asking her to ease back on this unattractive desperation and go back to the girl who had been driving me to breaking point for the past few days, but I missed her. It was that simple.
“Tell me I don’t need to worry,” said Amy.
“About what?”
“About anything I brought up last night. About anything I didn’t bring up last night. Tell me you want me.”
I resisted the urge to gulp, and took the easy out she unknowingly offered me. I wanted her. I didn’t need to lie about that.
“I want you, Amy,” I said.
“So, kiss me.”
I leaned over and pulled her closer, my thumb stroking her cheek. Our lips touched and I felt her relaxing as the kiss deepened. She moved closer and cuddled up to me when our lips parted, and I draped my arm over her shoulder.
A fun park is a whole new experience when you have the entire place to yourself. There was nobody there except a skeleton staff to run the rides and serve us refreshments so we could simply concentrate on having some fun.
Best of all, Amy was back to being her regular sweet self. The sultry act was gone and her smile shone as bright as the fairground lights.
We crisscrossed over the entire fun park, going on rides in random order for a few hours before we retired to a merry-go-round with some ice cream cones. I held Amy’s cone while she lifted her skirt a little to straddle the plastic horse, but she wouldn’t relinquish the teddy bear I’d won for her.
Before she settled down and took her ice cream back, I caught a glimpse of the scars on her thigh again. Amy sat the bear in front of her and held on to the pole as the music started up. The fake horses moved up and down while the merry-go-round revolved.
“How did you get those scars on your leg?” I asked.
Amy’s eyes shot down to check if they were showing, and then back up. “You don’t wanna hear about that…”
“Why not?”
“Are they why you haven’t… you know?”
“Those? No! Are you kidding? They’re barely even noticeable. Go on, tell me.”
“Well… I guess. It happened a long time ago, so I don’t remember it totally clearly.”
“That’s OK.”
Amy took a slow breath. “I was a little over three years old, so I’ve been sporting these beauties for a long time now. My mom had some friends with a daughter the same age as me, so one day we went to a playground. My mom was sitting in her wheelchair, of course, and the girl’s mom was sitting on a bench, so the two of them could chat about whatever moms c
hat about.”
“My mom said she used to talk about how much she missed sleep,” I said.
“Maybe. I can’t remember if I was even close enough to hear them talking, I was too busy anyway. I do remember what an amazing place this playground was. It was just a run of the mill playground like you’d see anywhere in the suburbs, you know, but for me, it was out of this world. My mom couldn’t get around playgrounds easily in her chair, they’ve always got sand or bark or something and she couldn’t keep up with me to catch me if I fell head-first off something.”
“So you fell anyway?”
“No. We were having a great time, her dad was helping us out, playing with us and it was just… perfect, as far as I can remember. Then the three of us were standing on the ground at the bottom of the fireman’s pole looking at something and I heard my mom scream ‘Look out!’ The next thing I knew, I heard this growl and the girl’s dad lifted her off the ground. Out of nowhere, I felt this fire on my leg and I was yanked off my feet, something was shaking the life out of me. I don’t really remember much of the rest of that day, but they said some stray dog attacked me.”
“Fuck, Amy. That’s terrible, but I’m glad it wasn’t any worse. It could’ve been,” I said.
“Yeah, true. I didn’t feel like it at the time though. I played with that girl every now and then afterwards until the family moved away, but I remember not liking her very much.”
“Why not?”
“Because… there wasn’t a mark on her.” Amy looked ashamed of herself. “I had these huge, at the time, huge tears in my skin and big ugly bruises that hurt so much, and she didn’t have a mark on her. She had a daddy to love her, lift her up and keep her safe and I didn’t. I was jealous.”
After all the acting she’d done today, this was laying herself bare in just as personal way as the night she’d enforced the IFS inspection rules. She was emotionally naked, a lonely island in a sea of light and music from the merry-go-round. She was beautiful.
“Sorry. I haven’t had a perfect life,” Amy said.
I swung off my plastic horse and grabbed on to the pole of hers to steady myself. Carefully, so I didn’t spill any ice cream on her teddy bear, I wrapped my other arm around her waist and gave her a squeeze as the horse moved up and down.
She smiled. “Thanks. I needed that.”
We finished our ride on the merry-go-round and shortly afterwards finished our ice creams too. Kris had his arm draped over my shoulders and I felt so safe, like he was protecting me from the dangers imagined from the past and any that might come up in the present too.
I stole a glance up at him as we walked and felt my heart flutter a little bit. He was a real mystery.
When we were just having fun, being ourselves, it was hard to believe he didn’t feel that click between us. He ran for the hills when things heated up, but he never seemed more attracted to me than when I was just Amy, instead of Amy the expensive escort.
That was never more apparent than when I was trying to go through Ada’s laundry list of things to try with him. Everything I did seemed to make it easier for him to put a wall up between us. Especially the suggestion of putting something in his ass. That one hit a particularly sour note, judging by the look on his face.
Of course, there was one thing from Ada’s list that I hadn’t tried yet. Even reading it had almost made my heart stop.
Yet, if Kris was really attracted to me, maybe it was exactly what I needed to do. I’d run from it for over two years. I’d suffered because of it, I’d hated myself because of it, I’d tried to cure myself of it, but before everything hit the fan, it had seemed like the most natural thing in the world to be turned on by.
No matter how I tried to convince myself otherwise, in those nights all alone in my bed, when I got all hot and bothered, my mind always strayed back to what got me in so much trouble. It always… did the job.
Those few seconds of calm before the storm would always be burned into my memory. I was fifteen years old, I had a great boyfriend, life was good.
His parents were out and we were fooling around in his room. I decided the time was right to lose my virginity, and I wanted to lose it playing out my favorite fantasy.
I got on my knees, called Brett “Daddy” in my cutest voice, and my world ended. In those seconds of silence, it began to dawn on me that I’d done something very, very, wrong.
His face contorted from excited, to confused, to disgusted and then he started yelling, backing away, calling me a fucking sick bitch, throwing my school bag at me and telling me to get the fuck out.
The bullying started on social media that night. School was unspeakably traumatic the next day. I had nowhere to hide, everybody knew what I’d done and everybody thought I was the most vile thing ever to crawl up out of a toilet.
Word spread from the students to the teachers, my mom was called in and I was interrogated in front of her, the principal, the guidance counsellor and several adults I didn’t know, about whether I was being abused at home by somebody. I wanted to die.
Instead, I ran. No amount of lengthy speeches from the principal in the school assembly could stop all the whispers and the bullying; in fact, they only made it worse. So my mom let me change schools.
Our farm was more or less right in the middle of two towns, so I started afresh and did my best to bury my deepest desires under a ton of shame. It didn’t work. They were always there no matter what.
Even with all that, Kris had almost managed to unwittingly uncover them on our second night together. What if he was the first person I’d ever met who I could really be myself with?
My heart thundered in my chest, trying to respond appropriately to the hope, excitement and panic the thought evoked. I looked up at Kris again and bit my bottom lip.
We passed a photo booth, one of the few things in the park that didn’t require a bored-looking Dreamzone employee to operate. My skin was tingling and my knees felt weak when I tugged on his arm.
“Hey, let’s try this.”
I entered the booth first and Kris came in after me, pulling the curtain closed behind him. Instead of a coin slot, this one accepted credit cards, and Kris held his up to the scanner after I touched the screen to begin.
A friendly voice started talking about the process for getting our photos, all the fun filters we could apply to them, and so on, but my mind was in another world entirely. Either I was about to humiliate myself again, or I was about to connect with a man on a level I hadn’t dared hope for in years. It was either going to be the most shameful or the hottest moment of my life, and it was a coin toss.
The screen in front of us showed an image of us and indicated approximately where our faces should be to have them properly centered in the photos. His was too high and mine was too low, but I could see myself looking a little shell-shocked. It was now or never.
I slipped down to my knees in front of him, despite the cramped space, rested my hands on his thighs, and gave him my biggest puppy-dog eyes. Would he be the man to dominate me in exactly the way I always wanted?
“Amy! Not here, seriously, there’s nothing but this flimsy curtain-”
“I’ve been a very good girl. For my treat, I want you to be my first, OK Daddy?”
His eyes widened. When they narrowed, would it be in lust or disgust?
My answer came first from a twitch in his pants, then the fire of lust in his eyes. Hope surged inside me. That was exactly what he wanted to hear from a girl on her knees in front of him.
“What… did you call me?” he asked.
“I called you, daddy.” I smiled, “and you can do anything you want with me, OK?”
Kris let out a slow puff of air. “Anything, huh?”
“Of course!”
“You think you’ve been good enough for your treat?”
Cool relief washed over me, followed by searing hot lust. My cheeks burned red and I nodded sil
If I wasn’t so busy being turned on, I might have been happy enough to cry. My first attempt to explore my sexuality with a member of the opposite sex had ended up with it locked up in a cage where it rattled the bars every time my mind was quiet enough. Now I’d turned the key and stepped back from the door. Was it free? Or was this some kind of trick?
“Why don’t you show me what a good girl you can be.” Kris grabbed a fistful of hair at the back of my head and tugged his zip down with the other hand.
“OK, Daddy, anything for you,” I said, happily.
Kris couldn’t get his cock out quick enough, for either of us. After he freed it from his pants, it quickly throbbed to full mast and I couldn’t help but marvel at it anew.
“I’m such a lucky little girl,” I said.
“Fuckin’ hell, that’s hot, Amy.”
Kris, still gripping his cock halfway, slapped my face with his hard length as the automated voice told us to smile for the camera. The way it hit my cheek sounded like a single person was applauding our performance.
My eyes half-closed and I tried to kiss and lick his cock each time it came into range. I got it a few times, and felt either my own saliva or his pre-cum cooling on my cheek with the next slap.
Tightening his grip on my hair, Kris aimed his cock at my mouth and his thick head forced its way between my lips, opening my mouth to make room for it. His masculine presence filled my mouth and my world, and I felt the tip brush up against the back of my throat.
I fought a pitched battle with my gag reflex, my eyes watering with the effort as he used his grip to move my lips up and down his length. Mercifully, he let me recover for a few seconds before the head of his cock hit the back of my throat again.
He pushed down on my head, holding the pressure for a second, before pulling out completely and letting me suck in as much air as I could. He slapped me with it again, this time it was positively soaked, and it splashed against my cheek, stinging a little thanks to its sheer weight.
“You like Daddy’s big cock, Amy?” he growled.