(Innocence For Sale Book 1) Read online
Page 10
“I live for Daddy’s big cock,” I gasped, a tear of happiness falling down my cheek.
The tear was probably just as much to do with my gag-reflex, but my joy was undeniable. I didn’t have any time to debate myself on this philosophical position before he shoved his thick rod into my mouth again.
The automated voice told us to strike a pose, but Kris wasn’t staying still for even a fraction of a second. His hand, which had been on his cock, curled around the back of my neck and he used his complete control of my head to hold me exactly where he wanted as he thrust his huge length in and out of my lips, pounding on the back of my throat.
His cock was a blur of motion beyond the tears welling up in my eyes, his thrusts past my lips moving so fast that they merged into a steady sensation. I held on to his thighs for dear life, feeling his muscles bulge while he fucked my face as hard as any daddy of my deepest fantasies ever had.
Timing my breathing between such frantic pounding against my throat was almost beyond me, but I managed to get enough air to stay conscious while Kris’ cock swelled to what felt like diamond-hardness in my mouth.
He began groaning, a low primal growl that meant the same thing now as it did before language was invented. Pure lust. The mere sound of it made a spark of pleasure zap me between the legs and part of my brain noted that I could feel a distinct wetness down there.
He held his cock against my throat and I squeezed my eyes shut with the effort of this new battle in the war against my gag-reflex. His entire cock twitched and suddenly my mouth was flooded with his sperm.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine a man could cum so much, let alone on the first spurt, and it kept on coming. Not knowing what else to do, I tried to swallow and a second jet went straight down my throat. Most of the third spilled out of my mouth, down my chin, and fell down my top.
I could feel his semen, flowing down to my bra, slick against my skin, on my face and in my mouth. I was soaking in it, marked by it, claimed by him. My pussy was quivering with the need for attention.
Finally, he relaxed and I pulled back so his cock popped out of my mouth, temporarily increasing the flow of the rivulet of creamy cum flowing down my chin. I rested my head on it like it was the world’s most perfect pillow, making a mess of the cheek he hadn’t already cock-slapped me on, and looked up at him, panting.
I could feel his seed all over my face. “Thank you for making me so pretty, Daddy,” I said.
So that was what a million-dollar, plus generous tip, blowjob felt like. Watching my cock pistonning in and out of her mouth was like heaven on earth.
And yet… a seven-figure blowjob. Holy fuck. I’d lost control. Over a million to Kevin and another million plus if I couldn’t get my money back from
After she’d spent all day putting on those literal and metaphorical disguises, I could have been forgiven for thinking that was just another one… but it hadn’t felt that way. Either she really loved pretending to be Daddy’s little girl, it was my kryptonite, or both.
I’d never waited so long to fuck a girl before, and holy fuck had I unloaded on her. She was a mess of cum from her cheeks on down once my cock stopped twitching, a fucking beautiful sight.
No amount of napkins could completely handle the task. We tidied up as much as possible and left Dreamzone straight away so Amy could have a shower.
Blowing my load all over her restored some fraction of my tattered willpower, but if she had really pushed it, I probably wouldn’t have been able to resist fucking her. As it was, I managed to bid her goodnight so I could retire to my room and ponder the reality that I was halfway to complete forfeiture of the bet.
Amy didn’t seem to mind. Not in the way she had the previous nights, anyway. She had an air of euphoria about her and, unmistakably, confidence that was definitely a clear and present danger to the remaining half of my wager with Kevin.
Somehow, I slept like a baby. That blowjob certainly relieved some tension that had been building up.
When I woke, my brain went to work immediately, analyzing the situation. Tonight was’s celebration party for hitting twenty million monthly active subscribers, so the most perilous time of day was already going to be spent in public at a party.
With my newly-bolstered sense of willpower and keeping us busy during the day, I could get through this one last night. Tomorrow, another busy day, plus Amy would have to pack for her late-night flight.
I could do this.
When Amy emerged from her room, she was on top of the world, humming with excitement. I didn’t even have a chance to lay out a plan for the day before she asked if it would be OK for her to go shopping alone.
Deep down, I knew she must have had her reasons, but it felt like a get out of jail free card at the time. The party would run late, so I’d still be spending plenty of time with her.
The only card of mine she accepted was the key card so she could get back in and she left after giving me a happy little peck on the cheek. I shrugged at the back of the closed door and went to my home office.
The instant I showed up online, I had a video call from Kevin. I put on my headset and accepted the call.
“Morning, you rich motherfucker!” said Kevin.
“Come on now, where’s the enthusiasm?”
“Fuck you,” I said, pulling a checkbook out of my drawer.
“Oh, you haven’t seen it?”
I glanced up at the screen. “Seen what?”
“Five minutes ago. Check your mail.”
I brought up my email on a second screen and saw that Anson Allen had sent a message, with the subject “Re: Contract Amendments.” I looked back at Kevin’s smiling face, then opened the email.
With each line I read, the sense of triumph built. My heart was thundering in my ears and I didn’t even realize I’d stood to my feet until I heard Kevin laughing.
“There it is! That’s more like it!” he said.
I sat down again, holding my finger up at the email. “He’s coming tonight, to the party, to sign in person?”
“Yes! It’s really happening. So, how does it feel?”
“Um… how the fuck do you think it feels? Feels great!” I said.
“I mean, specifically, to be a billionaire?”
“Oh.” I dragged the word out and sat back in my chair, tenting my fingers in front of me and looking off into the distance dramatically.
“Don’t keep me in suspense.”
I leaned forward again and wrote him his check for one million one hundred and eighty thousand dollars. “Well, son, it feels like I’m getting what I deserve after many years of hard work. I want you to know that, even though I’m a much better person now, I won’t let it go to my head or change me in any way. We’ll still go golfing on Sundays even though now I’ll be using you as my tee.”
“Look at me now, ma.”
“If you put in the work, you too can achieve greatness. So, with that in mind, I’d like to offer you a little contribution to help you on your way to financial independence.” I held the check up to the camera so he could see it.
“Aha! I fucking knew it! You couldn’t keep your dick out of her. That’s two in a row. Man, this day just couldn’t get any better.”
“I didn’t fuck her.”
“Then…” he held his hands up in confusion.
“She… uh… finished what she started the other day.”
“Oh. Right. Well, you might as well fuck her now. I don’t want any technicalities ruining the record of this wondrous occasion.”
“Thanks for the advice, but my head’s clear now. I can make it until tomorrow night.”
“I dunno, something tells me you might feel like celebrating,” Kevin said.
“Who me? No chance, Kevin ‘Hollow Victory’ Grant. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Alright, hey, think Anson would be up to signing the contract on stage?”
“Maybe, very theatrica
l,” I said.
“I’ll run it past him. Catch you later.”
I tucked Kevin’s check into my wallet as I read Anson’s email again. He was right, this was cause for celebration if anything ever was. I just wished I could have celebrated my largest ever exit properly with Amy.
For the next couple of hours, I reworked my speech so I could speak a little about the acquisition. Kevin confirmed Anson would be happy to seal the deal in front of all the attending employees, so I made an allowance for that too.
It was still well before lunch when Amy returned. I caught a glimpse of her through my door, and I caught her eye too.
“Hi! I’ll be there in a minute,” she called.
I could see she was carrying a couple shopping bags, but I couldn’t make out what store they were from at this distance. I saved my speech and read over the changes while I waited for Amy, prepared to steer us straight back out the door as soon as humanly possible.
She was gone for several minutes. When I heard the door to her room open, I saved my speech again and stood, reaching for my jacket. My fingers lost the dexterity required to pick it up when I saw her leaning against the doorframe of my office though.
The first thing I saw was that she was hugging the teddy bear I won her last night with one arm while she twirled a pigtail around the finger of her opposite hand. Her legs were covered up to mid-thigh with some knee socks, leaving a tantalizing band of smooth skin between the tops of those and the hem of her short pleated skirt.
Her tank top hugged her body almost skintight and left no doubt as to whether she was wearing a bra underneath. Amy’s nipples poked at the material, and all I wanted to do was feel her breasts in the palms of my hands, to squeeze those nipples until she breathlessly panted my name.
“I’ve got a present for you, Daddy,” she said in the most innocent voice I’d ever heard.
I was about to lose another million dollars.
It took me longer than I wanted to find everything I needed. I didn’t need much, but being unfamiliar with the area I didn’t know exactly where to go.
Some ribbons to tie my hair in pretty pigtails, some knee socks and a pleated skirt. I already had the tank top and Kris won the teddy bear for me. It was perfect. It was my dream come true, and the way Kris closed the distance between us, I thought it must have been his dream come true as well.
Kris reached out and curled his fingers around the back of my neck, pulling me into a kiss. I went up on my toes and his other hand squeezed my ass tight while he stole my breath.
He pushed me to the side and then held me against the wall with his entire body, one knee sneaking between mine so I had to part my legs a little. I could feel the material of his pant leg on the bare skin of my inner thighs above my knee socks, pushing my already short skirt up.
“What have you got for me, Amy?” he asked.
“You’re so good to me, Daddy, I want you to be happy.”
“What do you think would make me happy?”
“I thought, maybe, you could use me. I’m really tight, Daddy. Would that make you happy?”
His huge hard cock pressed against my inner thighs, trapped down his pants leg as it hardened. I whimpered quietly, and he knew why.
“You think you can take it, little girl?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” I said, truthfully, “but I want you inside me, even if it hurts.”
“If I start, I don’t know if I can stop.”
“I won’t want you to stop, Daddy.”
Kris kissed me again, a deeper and more powerful kiss than I ever dreamed possible, and lifted me off my feet so suddenly that I almost dropped my teddy bear. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he held me off the ground by my ass, carrying me out of his office.
He must have had the layout of his penthouse committed in perfect detail to his memory, otherwise I had no idea how he navigated his way through while carrying me and indulging me with that kind of kiss. Kris bent over and I felt the couch under my back as he climbed on top of me.
Curling one arm behind my neck, he held me close while reaching between our bodies and into his pants. With a little wiggle and yank, he adjusted himself so his big cock was freed from his pants leg. When he pushed himself against me, I could feel that big bulge pushing my panties into my slit.
“I love your cock so much, Daddy,” I breathed, bucking my hips so I could feel it sliding along my folds with only a few layers of material between us.
“Holy fuck, Amy, I’m going to ruin you.”
“Yes please!”
Kris disentangled himself from my legs and stood to remove his clothes. I watched, entranced, as he pulled off his shirt and I could once again feast my eyes on that hard physique.
His every movement was depraved poetry in motion. My captivated attention was no doubt written plainly on my face as I twirled a pigtail around and held my breath while he undid his pants.
When he hooked his thumbs inside the waistband and pulled his pants and underwear down in a single motion, his glorious cock sprang free and tilted like the world’s thickest dowsing rod in my direction. It was a work of art, and my legs parted a little at the sight of it.
They parted even further when he came closer, but instead of moving between them, he straddled my chest. From this perspective, his cock towered huge and menacing over me. It was incredible to think that the last time I’d seen it, it had just finished cumming in my mouth and all over my face.
Me. I had given Kris all that pleasure. I had turned him on enough to get over whatever hang-ups he had about this arrangement. I could do it again, but this time all that cum would be inside me and by the end of it I wouldn’t be a virgin anymore.
Kris pulled my tank top up over my tits and squeezed them with both hands, pushing them up and together to create deep cleavage out of even my modest size. When he let them spring back to their natural shape, he pinched my nipples between his finger and thumb.
Rolling them both until I was almost at the point of pain, he then released and flicked his thumb across one. I moaned and reached around his thighs, pulling my panties aside with one hand so I could touch myself with the other.
Kris pulled my teddy bear out from the crook of my arm and shoved it under my head like a teddy-pillow before grasping his shaft and aiming it at my mouth. I licked my lips and opened my mouth, trying to think of how I could stop him if he really got going like at Dreamzone. The last thing I wanted was for him to waste his sperm in my mouth.
His balls trailed lightly up my chest between my breasts as the tip of his cock passed my lips. I moaned long and hard, right on the head of his cock, and Kris sucked air in between his teeth.
Just buying what I needed for my outfit had made me excited beyond belief. Even the faint stimulation of walking around with my panties brushing against my sex had been a thrill under the circumstances, and I could feel the evidence of that arousal now as I spread my own slickness over my clit.
Kris thrust his cock in and out of my mouth, watching my face intently as he did so. My virginal self-doubts tried to make me feel embarrassed, but he looked so turned on and his cock was so hard that it was an emotion that couldn’t stick.
“Fuck you look beautiful sucking my cock, Princess,” said Kris.
I hummed “Thank you, Daddy,” on his cock and he groaned in satisfaction.
With his cock gathering speed in my mouth, I writhed under him. My finger flicked back and forth across my clit, dipping into my virgin entrance every now and then to spread out more of my sweet nectar.
Every time I strained against him, a humming energy seemed to grow in my muscles, especially in my navel area. My breath started catching every time I exhaled, moaning harder and harder as my pleasure grew.
Kris’ cock was thrusting harder and deeper, brushing against the back of my throat each time now, but I was too preoccupied with my own approaching climax to be concerned by it or how to stop him cumming
in my mouth. Just when I thought I was going to push myself over the edge, Kris grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands away from my pussy.
My eyes fluttered and focused on his face. He had his cock pressed hard against the back of my throat, so I couldn’t pout the way I wanted to but I at least tried to look as put out as I could.
“Don’t you dare, Amy. The next time you cum, I want to feel that pussy of yours gripping my cock for all its worth.”
All disappointment evaporated in an instant and I nodded before he withdrew his thick shaft from my mouth. A rivulet of saliva and pre-cum dribbled down my chin, but I couldn’t wipe it away because Kris still had a hold of my wrists. He sucked my juices off my fingers one by one and then moved back to get between my legs.
Kris’ cock stood straight and hard, the tip glistening with saliva and pre-cum, reminding me to wipe my chin. I could feel the cool air on the wetness between my legs and gulped nervously.
“Do you think it’ll fit, Daddy?” I asked.
“I’ll make it fit.”
Reaching up my skirt and sliding his hands over my ass, he hooked his fingers into the waistband of my panties and pulled them off. I lifted my legs and pointed my toes so he could cast them away.
He curled his arm around my right leg and bent down to tease the back of my knee with licks and kisses, his well-manicured stubble just the right length to add some tingle to proceedings. I braced my hands against the cushions, and uttered a sound of utterly pleasured gibberish for a second before attempting to clamp my mouth shut.
Kris tortured me with his attention, which felt like a cross between a tickle, a gentle stroke of my clit and a passionate kiss all rolled into one. I was barely in control of my own muscles when he finally relented and let my leg rest on his shoulder, twitching slightly.
“I think it’s time to take what’s mine, little girl,” Kris said with a quiet growl around the edge of his voice.
“No matter what I scream, don’t stop, Daddy. OK?”