(Innocence For Sale Book 1) Read online
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I didn’t know what to expect when I opened the bedroom door in the morning. My mind went to some reasonably dark places when Kris left after giving me the most explosive orgasm of my life. Had I said something weird in my climactic delirium? Did my face contort into some grotesque shape when I came?
I had no way of knowing. What I did know, was that the man at the breakfast bar who turned to face me, knew my body more intimately than any other man on the planet.
He had spread my legs, taken off my underwear, and blown my mind. He had touched what no man ever had. It gave him a kind of power over me, as if he needed any more.
I knew he was attracted to me, if the bulge he had in his pants when he left was anything to go by. But he still left. What was I doing wrong?
He assured me it was nothing and then we had the most incredible date ever. We made our own lunch under the guidance of a real Italian cook, and then I found myself opening up to him more than Ada had recommended.
She said not to break the illusion that the perfect sex partner had been delivered to him, but I didn’t quite know how to get around the questions he asked. Besides, there was something about how he knew me so intimately already that made me want to share more with him. Even some of the bad stuff.
So I did, and it felt great. He didn’t even think I was the aloe vera equivalent of a crazy cat lady. Maybe it was worth considering if I could sell some of my plants.
I drew a little cartoon picture of us on the back of a paper napkin and gave it to him before we left, and he said I had a nice style.
After lunch, we went ice skating, and I never saw anything so funny in my life. Our town actually had an ice skating rink, so I’d been a few times, but it was something Kris had never done before.
He looked about as graceful as a newborn giraffe, and I had to skate backwards holding his hands to keep him upright for longer than five seconds at a time. Even then he still managed to fall over in spectacular fashion.
“You gotta push from side to side a bit, not straight forward-”
“Do I look Canadian to you?” he said from flat on his back on the ice. “Speak English!”
It was too funny, I doubled over laughing and ended up on my knees next to him. Together, we managed to get up again. It was a temporary thing for him, but we made our way around the rink a few times and had a blast.
Then the tables turned when we went to an indoor rock-climbing place. The person who met us there seemed surprised to see only two of us, because apparently Kris had to book for fifty people in order for them to close and let us have the whole venue to ourselves.
I’d never been great at handling heights, so I wasn’t looking forward to this. It looked fun, and the automatic belay system brought me gently down when I tested it from a yard or two off the ground, but the thought of going all the way up there was terrifying.
In addition to standard rock-climbing walls, they had a bunch of themed walls of various difficulties, including a big one that was done in an Indiana Jones style treasure-hunting adventure. The wall had little rope ladders strung over crocodile infested rivers painted on the surface, temples, caves, something that looked like a bullwhip to swing across on, and a bunch of other things that were difficult to see in detail because they were so high off the ground and the angle was so acute.
At the top was the ancient treasure we were supposed to aim for. I swore there were clouds partially obscuring the upper reaches of this wall.
“I don’t think I can do this,” I said.
“I’ll stay with you the whole way,” said Kris, clipping the safety rope on to his harness. “If it’ll make it easier for you, you can put on some ice skates.”
I rolled my eyes with a half-smile, but clipped myself on and took my spot at the bottom of the wall at one side, while Kris went to my right. It was bearable for the first several sets of hand and footholds, but then I made the mistake of looking down.
If I fell from here, I was sure I’d survive, but if I fell awkwardly it was high enough to break something. Immediately, I clung close to the wall for dear life.
Kris made his way over to me and put his hand on my back. “It’s OK, you’ve got this. Remember, you’ve got the safety rope, nothing bad can happen.”
Yeah right, unless I twist around and crack my skull on the wall or the safety rope snaps.
“Right,” I said.
With him pointing out nearly every hand and foothold I should take, we scaled our way upward over the course of a century or two. My hands were almost cramped up from gripping the handholds so tightly when I looked down again.
Falling from this height was certain death, and I tried to melt into the wall entirely. Sweat was pouring off my brow and the palms of my hands were slippery with it, compounding my problems.
Yet, we were only one rickety bridge away from the golden skull sitting on top of a pedestal. Kris went part of the way across and held his hand back to me.
My eyes darted from his hand to mine and back again as if they were inconceivably far apart. Then, taking a few deep breaths to work up the nerve, I made a mad grab for it, almost losing my footing in the process.
With a thundering heart and squeezing Kris’ hand almost hard enough to break it, I shuffled across the bridge and joined him on the other side. There was a little button on top of the golden skull.
Kris took my hand, which he was still holding, and we pressed the button together. A light at the top of the wall started flashing and the sound of a crowd cheering played from some speakers.
My ordeal wasn’t over though, since I was stranded halfway to space up here.
“OK, just grab on to the rope, lean back and let it take you down.”
I shook my head furiously in a panic. “I can’t!”
“Uh… alright, just try this for a start, OK? Hold on to my arm with both hands. I’ve got a good grip with the other hand, see? I will not let you go. I promise. Do you believe me?”
My eyes started slipping towards the ground again.
“Hey, do you believe me?”
I looked up at him and nodded.
“Good. Once you’re happy with your grip, and I’ll hold on to you too, I’ll lean you out just a little bit so you can see what it feels like, alright?”
I nodded again and quickly transferred my other hand from the wall to his arm when he was ready. Slowly, with my feet planted at the base of the pedestal, he extended his arm to make me lean out.
Instead of looking down, I concentrated on the way his bicep strained at the hole of his sleeve and managed to lose myself in my own little world for a few seconds. When his arm was fully extended, he started straightening his other one, the one holding the wall.
“How’s that?” he asked.
“It’s OK,” I said.
“You comfortable?”
“Sort of.”
“OK, here we go.”
Before I could say a single word, he let go with his hand gripping the wall and we started floating towards the ground together. I screamed and squeezed my eyes shut.
When I didn’t feel the impact of my body on the ground, followed by broken bones and squished internal organs, I opened my eyes again. The automatic belay system, attached to the safety rope, controlled the rate of decent.
It was a slow pace, a difficult pace to be terrified by. I looked up at Kris’ smiling face.
“Told you I wouldn’t let you go.”
“OK, you got me. This is actually pretty cool.”
My feet touched the ground and I felt exhilaration flow through me far beyond what the flashing light and canned cheering had done. I stumbled a little as I took my own weight, but recovered and reattached the safety rope to the anchor on the ground so it didn’t retract itself to the top of the wall.
Once that was done, I bounded over to Kris and leapt up to wrap my arms around his neck, my feet dangling off the ground. His arms circled around me and I tilted my head to the side as he kissed me.
nbsp; In my post-adrenaline state, I was sweaty, I was shaking, it was probably the least well-groomed I’d looked since arriving at the airport, but the way Kris kissed me made me feel like I’d just been crowned as a beauty queen. He was proud to be with me, proud of me.
We’d had the pecks on the cheek, we’d had the can’t-get-enough-of-you deep kisses in the car, there was something different about this one. This felt real. More real than any kiss I’d had from previous boyfriends.
There was no sense that he felt like he’d paid me to be here, and the kiss was so wonderful that I forgot it myself. It was so sweet that I curled one leg up behind me as I relished the feel of our lips dancing with one another. I couldn’t help it.
Girls from the clubs never kissed like that. In fact, I’d never kissed a girl like that. As much as I wanted Amy, as excited as she was about surviving her ordeal, it was a slow kiss. It was a kiss where I could appreciate every movement of her lips against mine, and it made me want more.
Luckily for me, after the indoor rock-climbing, I’d arranged for a personal shopper to take Amy out so she could buy anything she wanted to get ready for dinner tonight. Amy seemed kind of bewildered by the idea, but went with it.
She was downright apologetic when she arrived in the evening. I’d told the personal shopper to take her to the high-end stores, but Amy had desperately tried to find the least expensive things she could. To spend over thirty thousand dollars on a single outfit’s worth of clothes and jewelry was clearly alien to her.
Despite coming in so far under the budget I’d given, she wore it well. The earrings complimented her own necklace, the dress showed off her slim shape and the thin gold bracelet added a nice flash of color to the ensemble.
I arrived before her at the restaurant and it made me feel like a king when she arrived. To see every head in the room turning and knowing that she was coming to my table was unreal.
By the time dinner was over and we were on our way back home, I’d spent almost all the time I was required to spend with Amy. It had been a long and active day, and the mood in the car on the way back was more relaxed than ever.
However, when we arrived back and the door shut behind us, I discovered it wasn’t relaxed enough. Amy had been cuddling up quietly in the car and I hoped she might want to go straight to sleep now, but she gave me a big hug instead.
“I had an incredible day with you,” she said.
“Me too.”
“I think we should make it even more incredible.”
“I don’t know… I was thinking of getting an early night. Aren’t you tired?”
Amy steered us in the direction of the couch and I sank down when it hit me in the back of the knees. She stood between my legs and turned around before sitting, with her ass right against my crotch.
With a shy look over her shoulder, she pulled her golden hair out of the way. “Could you unzip me?”
My hands moved of their own accord. I should have stalled, I should have thought about the millions of dollars and the smug look on Kevin’s face, but I had to see her body.
I grasped the top of her dress with one hand and pulled the zip down with the other. As the material parted, I saw the black strap of a bra across her back, and the top of a matching pair of panties at the bottom of the zip.
“Thanks,” she said, standing again.
Still facing away, Amy shrugged the dress off her shoulders. Holding it against her chest, she turned to face me.
“Mary made me buy a set of underwear too. Sorry again.”
I waved the notion away. “I said it’s fine. I expected you to spend more.”
“I guess a lot of girls come after you for your money, huh?”
“It’s… been known to happen.”
“Well… I know this might be difficult to believe, given how we met and all, but I’m really not like them. I need the money, but I like you too, Kris. I’m glad it was you waiting for me at the airport on Sunday and not somebody else. I was so scared, but now… I want you to see me.”
She let her dress fall slowly, more due to nerves than any innate knowledge about how fucking sexy it was. The gentle curves of her small breasts cupped in her bra were revealed, and then her flat stomach.
“I like it when you touch me,” she continued.
Her dress fell to her upper thighs, and I could only barely make out the faint outline of her labia where her new panties hugged her. She let go of the dress completely and it pooled on the floor around her before she stepped out of it and flicked it to the side with one foot.
“I’m sorry if that all sounds stupid, I don’t know how to be… sexy, like the other girls. I do know that I want to make you feel good.”
Amy sank to her knees on the floor in front of me and rested her hands on my thighs. She licked her lips and gulped.
I was as still as a statue, worried that if I made any move at all, my instincts would have me tearing off her last scraps of clothes and fucking her to within an inch of her life. These were dangerous waters.
No. Dangerous wasn’t a strong enough word to describe sailing through enemy territory in a sea that had more mines than water. I was on a hair trigger at this point, and this little teen who had no idea how sexy she was could probably make me cum harder than I had in my entire life.
Her hand moved up my thigh and caressed my hardening cock. She gasped and I held my breath for a second.
She looked up at me, then back down at what she was doing, unbuttoning my pants, then grabbing my zipper and doing for me what I’d done for her. Amy grasped my pants and underwear all at once, and when her pretty blue eyes flicked up again, I knew what she needed.
I lifted my weight off the couch and she tugged my pants and boxers down. My semi-hard cock twitched a little as it was unveiled by the receding clothing. Amy’s eyes widened.
Her jaw dropped slightly, parting her lips, and her eyes scanned up and down its length, but she was otherwise still. Her chest swelled as she took a deep breath.
His cock was like nothing I’d ever seen before. It didn’t seem right putting it in the same category of ‘thing’ as Anthony’s. Anthony had a slingshot, Kris had an intercontinental ballistic missile.
It was terrifying and entrancing all at once. I felt like an engineer flying an experimental paper plane into Kris’ airspace, marveling at the technical brilliance of the weapons of war flying at me.
A cock like that could destroy a petite girl like me, but it was so incredibly magnificent that I couldn’t think of a better way to go out. I wanted to touch it, to see how much I could endure.
I tentatively wrapped both of my hands around it and felt its weight. It throbbed against my palms and I could feel my grip getting forced wider as it hardened.
“You like that?” he asked.
I nodded. It was hypnotic.
I shuffled forward until my knees were touching the front of the couch. Kris’ cock was supporting its own weight now, standing up straight and hard, my hands were just along for the ride.
Bending down, I gave the head of his cock a tender kiss with trembling lips. It swelled in my hands, becoming iron-hard for a moment. I kissed it repeatedly, worshipping it on all sides, and felt it respond to my touch each time.
Cocking my elbows out, I made room for a kissing-exploration along the underside of his shaft, using both hands to pull his hard length towards me. At the pace I was going, it took an eternity to traverse the length of his manhood and reach his balls.
I stuck my tongue out and found one, licking it upwards then letting it fall back down, before kissing it and repeating on the other one. Kris groaned and let his head roll back on the couch so he was looking up at the ceiling.
Taking it as a good sign, I paid careful attention to his balls for a couple minutes before working my way back up his shaft. I kept my eyes on the tip of his cock all the way, intimidated by its thickness, its incr
edible length.
What would it be like to take that inside me? I mean, this wasn’t merely his tongue, or his finger. Aside from the sheer size, this was the core of his physical sexuality.
After that cock had been inside me, it was official. My virginity would be gone, it would belong to him forever. They say you never forget your first.
I arrived at the tip of his cock and, after one last timid kiss, I let my tongue circle around it. Kris raised his head to watch me and I turned my eyes up to him, trying to read if I was doing this to his satisfaction or not.
Physically, he was leaned way back in the couch. In his eyes, he was on the edge of his seat. The fire burning there flared with every swirl of my tongue and I felt a surge of power in response.
This wealthy, experienced, sexy as hell older man was hanging on my every movement. I paused the swirling of my tongue and feinted at taking him into my mouth, and he stopped breathing, only to resume when my tongue ran another lap around the tip.
I smiled, as much as I could with my tongue sticking out, and wondered if my expression was anything like his all-knowing smirk. Pausing again, with the head of his cock resting on my tongue, our eyes locked and I opened wide to slide him past my lips.
Ada gave me a crash-course in blowjob basics, even had me practice on a dildo, but it was all academic. It paled in comparison to dealing with the reality of having a thick cock in my mouth, a masculine invader.
Kris reached over my shoulder, behind my back and I heard the snap of his fingers as my bra came loose. He gathered up my hair into a single ponytail, gripped in one hand, as I let go of his manhood to shrug my bra off.
Using his grip, he wrestled control of the situation away from me and moved my head up and down to bob on his cock as I threw my bra away. I rested my hands on his thighs again, even pulled them in a little so my nipples brushed against them as he moved me.
I moaned right on his cock as my sensitive pink tips rubbed on his legs, and Kris caught his breath, holding my head dead still as his cock swelled in my mouth. My eyes widened and I froze too, thinking I was going to taste a man’s cum for the first time.