Stockholm Syndromance: A Bad Boy Romance (Still a Bad Boy Book 4) Read online
Page 6
The pain grew too much for mere grunts and squeals, and I arched my back as I winced in silence, my entire body stiff with tension. He was too much. Too long, too thick and just too much for my first time. I’d bitten off more than I could chew with this one. I was insane to tease him the way I had, to work him up into a lust-powered froth.
My feet found purchase on the covers and I started to move away, to lessen the pressure on my inexperienced sex. Eric countered by leaning forward over me so he could curl his arm around my back and hold on to my shoulder, pulling my body against his cock.
Any pressure I’d relieved was instantly brought back, and I was pulling so hard at my handcuffs that I might have been drawing blood when I felt the tiniest sense of relief and he started sliding into me. A moment later, he paused at the last token symbol of my innocence, and I looked into his eyes when he destroyed it with a sharp jerk of his hips.
I smiled through the pain. Now, no matter what happened, no matter if I died tomorrow, or the next day or in fifteen minutes, nothing could change that I lost my virginity to my dream man. I was his forever, not just tonight.
With his cock safely inside me, he brought his other hand up to help with his Eliana-control. He reached under my other arm, up to the back of my head and grabbed the hair there, making sure that I couldn’t move away from him at all if he didn’t choose to let me.
My eyes rolled back in my head as he fed his full length into my pussy. I could feel trickles of my slippery lubricants, or was it blood, leaking out, as it seemed like all the room inside me was being taken up by hard dick.
“Ow! Ow! Mmmmm! Ow! More!” I panted.
Through half-closed eyes, I could see Eric’s entire body working to force his cock inside me, bulging and flexing in a symphony of muscular ripples. He thrust his hips forward so the first stroke of a cock into my pussy ended with a bang as our bodies met.
I gasped and he kissed me, stealing my breath again as I writhed and tried to cope with what he was doing. Without even letting me breathe, he started rhythmically rocking his hips back and forth, using my body for his own pleasure even as I took mine.
Taking the entirety of his cock was like a full-body workout with every thrust, and when he finally released my lips so he could suck on my neck hard enough to leave marks, I grunted with the effort and the wonderful mixture of pleasure and pain.
As his own excitement grew, Eric pounded in to me faster and faster. His power and pace increased until my ass was bouncing off the bed, coming back up to meet his next stroke, only to be slapped by his balls and sent back down again.
His pelvis ground against my clit with every impact, rough and furiously powerful, demanding a response from my own body, a response that I had no hope of stopping even if I had any worldly reason to try. The orgasm that he’d been teasing me with ever since he went down on me, ever since he face-fucked and teased my clit, was coming.
I moaned with every exhale of breath, but could never get rid of all my air before another gasp filled my lungs again. I was inflating like a balloon, reaching my bursting point.
My ears started to ring, and the clouds crept in at the edges of my vision again while unimaginable ecstasy crackled with power all through my nervous system, ready to strike like lightning and leave behind nothing but a smoking pair of handcuffs.
This was it. This was what I’d wanted my whole life. Eric noticed something about me. The way I was moving? The sounds I was making? I had no idea, but he could read me like a street sign.
“Look at me. Know it, Eliana.”
He twisted his grip on my hair, bringing his face back into focus just as my orgasm broke and I screamed my bliss to heaven, hell and everywhere in between, especially anybody in the neighboring rooms. Eric saved his best for the midst of my orgasm, fucking me so hard that my whole body shook.
The humming pleasure exploding from my clit and echoing around my body kept trying to make me squeeze my eyes shut, but Eric told me to look at him, so I did. He told me to know it, so I did.
He had broken into a heavily-guarded Mafia house to abduct me. He had broken us out of a motorcycle club headquarters. He was delivering me to his boss, who was probably going to kill me. And nobody would ever fuck me better than him. He told me to know it. I knew it.
Eventually, it might have been a day later for all I could keep track of time, my orgasm faded and Eric let go of my hair to squeeze my breast and pinch my nipple, until his pace picked up again and I could feel a change in him, maybe a similar change to the one he’d felt in me.
My eyes widened at the implications of that. My kidnapper was going to cum inside me. No condom, no birth control, just…
Eric groaned and I felt his cock twitch, splashing my fertile depths with his hot seed. I gasped at the feel of it, the way he just kept on cumming, spurt after warm spurt that interrupted a rhythm you could have set a watch by up until that point.
The excitement of it… the danger of it, set my mind ablaze and my pussy fluttered with what felt like a second miniature orgasm, an aftershock of the previous earthquake.
After a few hot breaths on my neck, Eric rose up on his knees again. His cock was still hard and twitching inside me as he trailed his fingers lightly down the length of my body in a way that was torturous in this post-apocalyptic-orgasm world.
His hand hovered over my lower stomach, stroking with his fingers and thumb as we shared a wordless realization of what we’d done in the midst of that haze of lust. Finally, he looked up into my eyes.
“I want you again. Right now.”
OK, so that was how difficult it was to keep my cock out of the hottest woman I’d ever laid eyes on. For fuck sake, I felt like an amateur. I pulled my jacket on and looked at Eliana lying on the bed, fast asleep after we fucked the morning away and slept all afternoon.
Entangled in a sheet that protected her modesty and yet still managed to show off some tantalizing skin, she was a vision of sexual attraction. Never before had I found a girl who could keep up with me in bed and still beg for more, and I never would have expected to find it in a virgin.
That was the best sex of my life. I’d be getting flashbacks about that until my dying day. Of course, now that she was in my head, that made it all the more likely that I’d get distracted and that day would be this day, but it was worth it. Most men would be happy to die after a session like that.
Me? I’d prefer to live a bit longer if I could help it, so there were some things I had to take care of, like replacement of exploded equipment, and I had better do it before the stores closed.
I took the phone out of the wall and left Eliana snoozing, still handcuffed to the bed and stepped into the late afternoon air. I blinked in the natural light as I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath of the fresh air.
The cool breeze was refreshing and gave me some clarity. If I could manage it, I had to get a fucking hold of myself. I still had a job to do, and I still had to keep it firmly in mind that Eliana might have been using her body to gain my trust and set up her own escape.
Her virginity was a high price to pay for such a plan, but not a higher price than her life, so I couldn’t count it out. This didn’t change my contract and the lengths to which I would go to complete it.
With a cache of pre-paid cell phones, new clothes for both of us, a shirt for me, shoes for Eliana and snacks for the road, I headed back to the hotel. I’d told my new friend Terry that we were staying for two nights, three if you count the policy-mandatory Friday night, but we’d really be leaving once Eliana put on a reverse striptease for me.
When I turned into the parking lot, there was an expensive black sedan near the front that looked entirely out of place at a Southern Style hotel and I was immediately on edge. I drove slowly, and when I rounded the corner to get to the area in front of our room, I saw two guys in suits standing just outside it.
They looked for all the world like they’d been caught in the middle of something, and
immediately straightened and turned away from the door, watching my car intently. I pulled up in front of them, and then reversed into a space on the opposite side so my headlights pointed right into their faces, before turning off the car.
Their body language told me that they were relieved I seemed to be going to a different room, but not relieved enough to take their hands out of their pockets. I wondered what could possibly be in those pockets.
I popped the trunk and stepped out, turning quickly away from them and heading towards the back of the car, pretending to rummage around with my shopping. Instead, I pulled out my gun and lied down on my stomach to look under the car in their direction.
Reaching out, I took careful aim at one of the four shoes shuffling around in front of our room and took a deep breath. I shut the rest of the world out for this moment of silence before the storm.
The quiet night was ripped apart by my gun. The first guy hadn’t even hit the ground before the toe of his friend’s expensive black shoe was blown open too. I turned back to the first one, clutching at his foot with one hand, screaming and trying to disentangle his other hand from his pocket.
A bullet to the head killed him as his friend hit the concrete and met a similar fate. I stood, and was walking towards our room when a bullet whizzed by my head almost close enough to feel, and I half-fell backwards to get some cover behind the front wheel and engine block of my car.
I chanced a look over the hood and came straight back down as two more Mafiosos sent a hail of bullets my way. In a pause, I held my gun up and sent some fire in their general direction and then peeked out to the side while they were still ducking for cover.
One of them wasn’t fast enough and I caught him in the chest before he could get behind anything. He hit the ground and never moved again, but the last one dived behind a raised concrete-lined garden between parking areas and started firing at me again.
The car was peppered with bullets, while I tried to contort myself into what I imagined was the exact shape of the engine block to better hide behind it. This guy had just seen his four to one advantage dwindle to a one on one in the space of a few seconds and he was panicking.
There was a pause in the barrage and I rose up to fire a single round in his direction. His head went back behind the concrete before I could add some extra ventilation in it for him, but when I ducked for cover, it was World War Three all around me again, the car, the ground to either side, the trees behind me, everything.
Then I heard the sound I was hoping for, the empty ‘click, click, click’ of somebody inefficient with their bullets. I leapt to my feet, and sprinted with everything I had to remove the obstacle between myself and the Mafia soldier.
He was frantically trying to reload his gun when I had him in my sights. His terror was evident, so complete that he fumbled his gun, but he never stopped trying to reload. I put a bullet in his head, and he slumped to the side.
I ran back to our door and knelt down to rip open the shirt of the first guy to die tonight. Sure enough, over his heart was the Folliero mark. Unlike the Picollis, the Folliero’s mark of choice came in the form of a brand rather than a tattoo. It was considered more permanent.
How the fuck did they find us here? The entire incident hadn’t even been mentioned on the news when I listened to it in the radio. Vito Mondalo seemed to be trying to handle this internally for some reason, so he didn’t have the eyes of the general public recruited to his purpose. Yet.
I grabbed Eliana’s new clothes out of the car and when I reentered our room, I found Eliana wrapped up in the sheet much more modestly than when I had left, huddled up against the headboard. She looked genuinely relieved to see me.
“Everything going according to plan?” she asked.
“Always,” I said. “Get dressed.”
I threw the bag on the bed and unlocked the cuff attached to the headboard, then went to the door, treating myself to only one glance at Eliana’s naked perfection while I watched and listened for where the next problem would come from.
Terry’s hotel was already under-occupied, and this wouldn’t help things for him, but I did see the occasional curtain-twitch, which meant that somebody had almost certainly called the cops by now. What about the Folliero goons? Had the two who came from the parked car sent out an emergency call before trying to take me down?
Either way, it was a good time to check out. Eliana finished dressing and I reattached the loose cuff to her wrist. How could she make even a simple t-shirt and jeans ensemble look so fucking good?
That was a mystery for another day, once we’d escaped this shithole alive and uncaptured. I dragged her across the parking lot to the car, threw her in the passenger side and circled around.
I turned the key and smoke immediately started billowing out from under the hood through the gaps between panels and bullet holes. It was so fast that you might have been forgiven for thinking that was what the ignition was now connected to.
“Son of a fuck!” I said.
“I know, we just bought this car, right?”
The comment caught me off-guard and if I had time, I might have laughed. Her disregard, even disdain, for her own safety was something I’d never really encountered before, even in my line of work.
Twisting around, I grabbed the other bags before getting out of the car. “Out!”
I led Eliana from one corpse to the next, patting them down until the third one yielded the jingle of keys. We weren’t more than two steps towards the front of the hotel and a vehicular upgrade before I heard wailing sirens pulling into the hotel parking lot.
“Maybe they’re here about something else,” said Eliana.
This time, I couldn’t help but laugh. I stopped dead in my tracks and Eliana ran into me before I headed back in the opposite direction, past the dead bodies and dead car, then through the bushes at the back of the hotel grounds, as quickly as I could drag the most happy-go-lucky kidnap victim in the world.
When I heard the bullets start flying outside our hotel room, I startled awake and began to think that I’d never be woken by a normal alarm clock again. It was absolute chaos out there, and I couldn’t imagine how one man could survive against all that.
Then he was back. I let out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding and went with him. How could a man like this be employed by somebody else? I tried to imagine the result if my father barked an order at him, and that put me in a pretty happy mood straight away.
We left the economically-viable hotel behind and Eric did nothing but handle his business like the professional he was. Even pulling a girl in handcuffs behind him, he managed to steal a mid-to-high-end Mercedes from an upscale restaurant, disable the GPS tracking, and get us heading out of town in record time.
He only stopped to steal single license plates from two other Mercedes that we passed along the way, using his knife as a screwdriver.
“Why two different plates? Won’t that just make people suspicious when they see them?” I asked.
“Most people don’t casually look at plates, let alone both of them. I got two different ones because I imagine the police might connect the dots between the hotel and the restaurant, start looking at CCTV footage, checking license plates. They’ll only ever see one at a time and it’ll make us more difficult to track if one or the other people whose license plates we’ve got report it. I chose other Mercedes cars because if a cop does a casual check, they’ll see ‘Mercedes’ and they usually don’t recognize the model for these European cars, they just see the hood ornament or the symbol and it’s good enough.”
“You’ve done this before,” I said.
I looked at his face, with the various lights of the city passing over it as he went under streetlights, people braked and indicated, and we drove under neon signs. He concentrated on everything like a robot, assessing it for danger, accelerating to the speed limit as quickly as possible without raising susp
icion after every traffic light.
Yet, he’d shown me something that I definitely hadn’t expected. Two things, actually. Maybe he didn’t even realize it.
This morning, after we’d screwed like rabbits until I was too tired, climaxed-out, and sore to continue, he stayed with me. He didn’t retire to his couch-bed.
I’d never really thought about it but in my favorite video clips, after sex like that, the guy always left, having taken what he wanted. Not Eric.
I expected him to leave me there, soaked in his cum, all alone. But he stayed. He put his arm around me and let me rest my head on his shoulder, after freeing one of my wrists.
He was already drifting off while I was lying there all confused. What was this? Why did he want to be near me when he’d taken what he wanted? I didn’t understand.
The way he’d done it, so naturally, I felt like it must have been me, my own lack of understanding about the real world, that was the root of my confusion. If this was the real world, of course.
I’d looked up at him as he fell into a peaceful slumber, and looked into the darkness of the room. Even somewhere between half and three-quarters asleep, his arm was strong, the muscles of his torso hard enough to scrub clothes on. No, I had no clue what this was... but I liked it.
Anything could be out there, but in his arms I was safe. Dominated, lusted after, consumed… but protected by a war machine. The darkness faded in importance, and I’d fallen asleep while looking up at his face.
Now I was looking at it again, but I quickly looked away when he glanced over at me. He was all business again now, but he’d laughed at my joke too. A real laugh, not a “That’s funny, Ma’am” from my father’s Yes-Men.
There was a human under the robot, the death machine, the man who blew my hottest fantasies out of the water with ease. I wished I could have known him in another life.
I opened my mouth to ask if, maybe, he could just drive in another direction and we could set up a new life wherever we ran out of gas. Then I closed it with a sinking stomach.