Stockholm Syndromance: A Bad Boy Romance (Still a Bad Boy Book 4) Read online
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It’s fucking huge! Imagine what he could do to you!
Imagine, I did. I started bucking my hips back and forth as my pussy made everything a slick mess down there. No matter how he liked to make love, you simply couldn’t be gentle with a monster like that in your pants. Perfect. He was fucking perfect.
I moaned louder and louder into his ear as he pushed the bike to the maximum. It was probably purely to put distance between us and The Smoke Devils, but I imagined he was doing it to tease me to orgasm.
Well, if that was the case, it was working. A ball of electricity built up in my stomach and I had to abandon the grip of his cock with one hand to grab a fistful of shirt. I squeezed my thighs together on this miracle machine and held my kidnapper tight.
I didn’t even know his name, and that made it all the hotter. A stranger isn’t supposed to have his cock in your hands. A good girl wouldn’t cum when she didn’t even know what was the right name to scream.
Pleasure exploded between my legs, and I lost track of the noises I was making as the tireless machine thrummed against my virgin pussy. I held his cock tight, I held on to him for dear life like we were riding through an alternate dimension and he might leave me behind if I let go.
The hot flush of ecstasy shivered from the very core of my being to the tips of my fingers and toes, giving them pins and needles made from pure bliss, and making every muscle along the way lock up until I quivered with the exertion.
I completely lost track of time. At some point I must have dozed off, because I was mildly grumpy when he made me lift my head up off his nice comfortable back so he could put a stolen helmet over my head.
We cruised away from whatever biker bar that was, unnoticed, into the night.
We came over the rise and, at last, the city lights of Green Point were laid out in front of us. I would have liked to get further, but after the sleep that Keith fucked up for me, followed by the kind of effort it took to maneuver a heavy-ass bike like this with a crazy woman holding on to your cock, and an almost-all-nighter on the open road without the right clothes to keep us warm, I really needed to hole-up for the day to recover.
The motherfucking Smoke Devils had almost derailed my contract, but somehow we made it with only a bullet graze that hadn’t fazed Eliana in the slightest. A crazy woman, alright, but the hottest kind of crazy you could imagine.
I’d seen people laughing in the middle of a firefight before. For some, it was their way of coping with the shock of having little pieces of death flying past you at three thousand feet per second while your friends’ brains splatter all over you.
It didn’t sound like the same kind of laughter from Eliana. It wasn’t the laughter that was really a scream for help. From her, it sounded like she was watching the world’s greatest comedic movie for the first time. It was a beautiful, even adorable. That is, if it wasn’t so fucking out of place.
What in the flying blue fuck was going on with her? If I’d granted her request in that room, we’d both be dead. Even so, it was tempting. Almost worth the price of admission.
The sight of her panting up at me with excitement, complete with a flush rising from her chest, and asking for that was fucking close to more than I could resist. She had no business being so mind-bendingly hot.
It wasn’t until she’d sacrificed an orgasm to the God of Lucky Escapes that she calmed down a bit and I managed to get myself back under control too. Instead of stopping at the nearest piece of flat ground beside the road to fuck the daylights out of her, I kept on riding. After rearranging her arms so one was over my left shoulder and the other stayed under my right arm, she got some rest, huddled up to me for warmth, since she was wearing even less than I was.
I could feel those perfect perky tits of hers pressed against my back, and the thought of just how I could make them bounce didn’t make it any easier on me to focus on the job at hand. She may have been the sexiest woman on the planet, but she was also my job.
As such, I had to keep my hands off of her, and my dick out of her, otherwise my judgment would be clouded. She might not care about that, but I sure did. I never should have let her continue to get away with it after we were on the open road… but those sounds she made. Holy fuck. If she was using her looks to try to gain my trust, to catch me off guard, she sure had a potent arsenal to work with.
Anyway, the question was, how difficult could it possibly be to keep my cock out of the one woman I wanted to fuck more than any other? We’d find out over the next few days, I supposed.
Ahead, on the right, was another one of those biker bars that seemed to spring up on the main drag into every major city. It was far enough outside city limits that it was too much of a pain in the ass for the police to bother when the bar stayed open late, and isolated enough that there was nobody around to complain anyway.
I pulled into the parking lot. As far as I was aware, The Smoke Devils had no established chapter in Green Point, but Ex Machina did, and I wanted to get rid of this bike so I could get back on four wheels.
Eliana would find it a lot more difficult to grab my cock if I had a trunk to put her in, not to mention we’d be a lot less conspicuous. Fucking pajamas. The clothes I had ready for her in case of such a situation were disintegrated now.
With an inward sigh of relief, the first patch I saw on the back of one of the bikers milling around in the parking lot was that of an Ex Machina member, and I pulled up close to him. He turned and visibly checked off a list in his head. Now he’d seen everything.
I flipped up the visor. “Hey. I’m looking to sell this bike. Maybe without any paperwork. Want it?”
“Fuck off, cop.”
“Listen. I work for…” I glanced in the direction of Eliana and was met with only the blank stare of her pink helmet, stolen from some biker chick. I turned back to the Ex Machina man with an internal shrug. Normally I wouldn’t mention Jace’s name in front of somebody in Eliana’s position, but I didn’t need this guy hollering about cops right this minute. “Jace Barlow. Now, you want the bike?”
He scratched his head at the blunt offer. “Uh… how much you want for it?”
“I’ll give you a good deal, but part of the deal is I need a car. You got someplace in town I can get something clean? Just mid-range. Reliable. Not a piece of shit. Right now.”
“Yeah… we got a place.”
“Alright. You get me that car and two thousand cash and this is yours. I’ll follow you in.”
“Whoa, whoa. Just how hot is this thing?”
“Well… the owners aren’t the kind of people who are going to have the cops turning up at your door, but it’s pretty hot.”
“Smoke Devils,” I said, reluctantly.
The Ex Machina biker took the last swig of his beer and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, taking his sweet time to swallow the huge gulp as he pondered the deal. After weighing it up, he threw the bottle into the distance and shrugged.
“They’re a pack of cunts, those guys.”
“I agree.”
“Right, follow me.”
The Ex Machina biker led us into the city at a leisurely pace, then told us to wait at the side of the road while he went to the chop shop to pick out a car and grab some cash. I left the motor running and planned my escape, trying to look in every direction at once in case this chapter of Ex Machina turned out to be as big a “pack of cunts” as The Smoke Devils.
Thankfully the only thing that came down the quiet street in the next fifteen minutes was the Ex Machina member looking completely out of place in a nondescript sedan. He handed over the cash, part of which I transferred to my wallet and the rest to an inside pocket of my jacket, and we each took ownership of our new vehicles.
He saluted before he rode off, while I secured Eliana’s cuffs to the passenger door. It wouldn’t hold her if she really tried to break free, or did something fucking crazy like open the door and throw herself out. The main thing was that
she wouldn’t be able to go anywhere without making a bunch of noise and alerting me, because I had no plans to be out of earshot.
We drove around until I spotted what I was looking for. “Southern Style,” a hotel chain that I recognized, was infamous for disgruntled franchisees who were squeezed on all sides by shitty contracts, high fees and corporate pricing policy. It was perfect.
I parked near the office, close enough so that I could hear Eliana if she tried anything. “Don’t make a sound, don’t move, don’t fucking do anything. If you make a scene here, I might have to kill the poor bastard behind the desk. Stay still.”
“Yes, sir,” she said.
I turned the key off and brought it with me, entering the office. It was rundown and smacked of not enough resources to make anything more of itself. The certificate on the wall said “Owner Operator Terry Gillis” and the picture showed a smiling man at the grand opening with all his newly-hired staff gathered around him for a team photo.
The name badge on the man behind the front desk said “Terry” and he didn’t have the energy for a smile. With what energy he did have, he managed to look genuinely surprised to see me.
“Hi…” I pretended to study his name badge for the first time, then looked him in the face and smiled. “Terry!”
“Evening, sir, or should we call it morning? What can I do for ya?
“I’d like a room for two nights, Saturday and Sunday. I’ll be checking out on Sunday, but it’ll be late, so I guess you gotta charge me for that night too.”
“Well... um… yeah. Company policy. Um… and I’d have to charge you for Friday too… early check-in.”
I gritted my teeth and bit my tongue for a few seconds at the fucking nerve of him, like he was going to have to kick somebody else out early to make room. To his credit, he at least looked nervous, as if he’d inadvertently found himself negotiating a multi-million-dollar corporate acquisition or something.
I took a deep breath and smiled again. “Well, if it’s company policy.” I shrugged. “What can ya do? Am I right? Red tape.”
“Yes! Yes sir, that’s right. Damn red tape.”
“How much’ll that be?”
“Seventy-five dollars a night, so that makes two-twenty-five,” said Terry.
I pulled out my wallet and counted out the money, laying it down on the counter at the same time as Terry set down a form on a clipboard. When Terry reached for the precious cash, I kept my fingers pressed down on the notes, preventing him from making his dreams come true and trying to put the best mixture of gee-whiz-embarrassment and indecision on my face that I could.
“There a problem, sir?”
I sighed. “Can you do me a favor, Terry?”
His brow furrowed. “What kind of favor, sir?”
“Look… I don’t know how to say this, so I’m just going to come right out and say it.” I paused and took a dramatic deep breath. “I’m just going to level with you man to man, OK, Terry?”
“We had an office party tonight. Teambuilding kind of thing, and… uh… well, I’ve got my intern in the car ready to show me how badly she wants the job. And, here’s the thing, I’d really appreciate it if there was no record of me being here this weekend while my wife is trying to rob me at divorce-point, you know what I’m sayin’? Like… no record at all that her P.I. might dig up if she hired one. Call me paranoid, but…”
Terry looked torn. His eyes kept wavering from me, to the cash so close to being within his grasp, to the wall of key cards with so few empty slots. I had him where I wanted him, and the only thing left to do was push the deal over the edge for him with a little monetary sweetener.
“Aw… geez… I don’t know, sir…”
This was a fine art in and of itself. Offer him too little and he’d flat out decline. Offer him too much and I’d raise suspicion, maybe even have to subdue him and get the fuck out of this city too. That was about the last thing I wanted right now.
I took in the state of the decor again, the level of fatigue Terry was showing, judged how long-suffering his clothes were. Everything.
“Tell you what. I’m wasting time here that I could be… well… time is precious right now. I know this is inconvenient for you, against company policy and all that. I’d be willing to give you another hundred bucks, just for you, if you can help me out.”
I put the extra money on the counter and saw Terry’s eyes light up with images of a case of beer, a haircut and other lofty goals.
“But if you can’t… I saw a Resplendent Inn up the road a ways…”
Terry snatched the clipboard back as if I might steal it. “I hear you, sir. You were never here. When my wife left, I had to take out a loan to buy out ‘her half’ of this place and I’ve been screwed ever since. You have a good weekend, and… uh… get that girl her job. For me.”
I laughed. “Thanks, Terry, I thought you looked like the kind of guy I could count on. You got a room out back at that price? Away from the road? I don’t want my car seen. Call me paranoid, but…” I trailed off again.
“You bet. In fact… screw it. I’m upgrading you. Executive suite, no extra charge.”
“That’s great!”
I took my fingers off the cash and Terry took it, before pulling two key cards out of a slot on the wall next to him.
“Room one-one-eight. Drive up that way and it’s right at the end.”
“Fantastic! Um… one other thing. We’re gonna need some food to keep up our energy. The only place I know around here open this time of day and delivering is Mama Fettuccini’s Pizza but… man… you’re gonna think I’m crazy…”
“What is it?”
“Well… her boyfriend is the delivery guy. If I order it for our room, it’d be just my luck that it would be him that delivers it. Could I get you to order it for the office here and call me when it arrives? Call me-”
“You’re paranoid alright, but you’ve got good reason. No problem.”
“Terry! You’re a lifesaver, man. Can I get a Super Supreme and,” I rolled my eyes, “she probably wants a vegetarian. I’ll give you another forty. Should be enough to cover the food, a tip for the driver and a little extra for you, right?”
“Yeah, definitely.”
“Excellent. See you soon then.”
I added the forty to the counter and took the key cards, giving him a cheerful wave as I left the office. Eliana was waiting patiently, following my instructions to the letter as she had done from the moment I abducted her. She was not what I expected, to say the least.
“So, are you ever going to introduce yourself?” she asked as I started the car again.
I looked over at her, poised to tell her to mind her own fucking business, and found myself unable to resist the request.
“Hi Eric. I’m Eliana Mondalo… but I guess you knew that.”
Eric left me handcuffed to yet another bed, to finish my one-handed meal while he went to shower. I wasn’t sure if he was teasing me on purpose, or whether he left the door open that much so that he could listen out for me trying to escape, but if I stretched out as far as my restraints would let me, the angle of the bathroom mirror allowed me to see a tantalizing sliver of Eric undressing.
My heart pulsed its way up my throat as I saw him shrug off his jacket, then his shirt, I could hear the beat in every breath I took. The pizza on the bed behind me was forgotten as I saw the definition of muscles in his arm and a fraction of his torso.
I couldn’t see the detail in the designs of his tattoos from here, but every swirl of ink and curve of his muscles seemed to draw the eye down… down. I rose up on my knees, then stood on the bed, trying to see what I had so boldly grabbed earlier on the bike.
Eric moved out of view, into the shower.
“Dammit,” I hissed.
Butterflies performed a choreographed dance in my stomach and my heart
fluttered at every twitch of the shower curtain. Frustratingly, the mirror quickly fogged up and when the curtain was swept aside I was treated to nothing more than a blur of skin-and-towel-toned color.
By the time he exited the bathroom, I was back in a more comfortable position on the bed. The recent disappointment was all but forgotten when I caught sight of him though.
Rubbing the last droplets of water off his head and neck, he was naked except for his tight-fitting boxer-briefs, with the rest of his clothes in the crook of his other arm. His bicep bulged with so much more power than was required to wield a mere towel, as a few errant drips raced down the obstacle course of his abs.
He caught them with the towel before they could soak into the elastic of his underwear. Holy shit, the bulge at the front of his underwear. I was transfixed. I managed to drag my eyes upwards in time to catch him frowning.
“Your turn,” he said. “If you want it.”
“Hell yes,” I said, before realizing he was talking about the shower.
“The window’s bolted shut, so don’t even bother trying it. If you think you can swing the lid of the cistern fast or hard enough to hurt me, you can’t.”
“OK, OK, escape is impossible, I get it.”
Thanks to him, I was already living proof that you didn’t need a shower to get wet, but a bit of warm water and soap wouldn’t go astray right about now, especially after walking barefoot through a motorcycle club headquarters.
He leaned over to uncuff me and I almost stuck my tongue out and licked his abs as if his tattoos might be of the flavored variety. The moment passed too quickly though, and he pulled me to my feet with a firm grasp around my un-grazed arm.
He’s so fucking strong, he could power that big cock-
“Take as long as you want.” He interrupted my internal monologue and “helped” me through the bathroom door, closing it behind me all the way.
My pajamas were officially ruined. They weren’t designed to deflect bullets, travel in trunks while being worn or take the brunt of gas-powered orgasms at eighty miles per hour.