(Innocence For Sale Book 1) Page 25
“I’ve been thinking about this since Wednesday,” he said, taking his cock in his hand and guiding himself towards my sopping wet pussy.
I grasped the bedsheets with one fist and braced myself against the headboard with the other hand, as the head of Jace’s cock pushed my labia to either side. He ran the tip along the length of my pussy, quickly coating himself in my natural lubricants, and I whimpered as he pushed forward. My still inexperienced opening was stretched to a slippery ring around him again as he sought entrance.
“Damn you’re tight,” Jace grunted, not even pausing in his advance.
Somehow his cock felt even fatter than before, as my slit was stretched to what felt beyond the realm of possibility. I sucked in air through clenched teeth, and my arm bracing against the headboard was shaking. I sensed a slight relief of pressure as I was somehow able to accept him inside me.
“Mmmmm,” I moaned.
Jace lowered himself on top of me, curling one arm behind my neck and holding on to my shoulder, pulling me against him, and squeezing one ass cheek hard with the other. I cried out in a combination of pleasure and pain, and was cut off as the big-dicked millionaire kissed me and took my breath away, while forcing the rest of his length inside.
Those heavy balls I’d just given such a thorough tongue bath to came to rest on my ass, and I moaned into his kiss. I was full, filled in the way only Jace had ever filled me. So. Much. Dick.
Holding tight, the man who had deflowered me only a few days ago rocked his hips back until his swollen head caressed my opening again, and then slammed his cock home so hard that my entire body shook. Our lips parted and Jace wasted no time building up to breakneck pace, fucking me like the end of the world was approaching and making my squeals and whimpers waver with the force of impact.
I ran my hands over his body, feeling like I was completely surrounded by hard-thrusting muscle. Every chiseled bump and curve of his body was like sexual rocket fuel for me, as that incredible cock of his drove me from the bright flame of pain, to a dull-but-building orgasmic fire.
Jace released his grip on my shoulder and reached down under my knees with both hands, pulling them up until they were draped over his shoulders. This position allowed him to thrust inside me even deeper and, when he laced his fingers behind my neck to hold me in place, I could feel the very tip of his cock just barely brushing my cervix on his hardest thrusts.
The tattooed millionaire’s arms were like steel poles. It was like being clamped in some kind of sexual torture device that I was enjoying all too much. With this grip, this leverage, Jace fucked me so hard that I had no choice but to scream his name just like he said I would.
Every impact nearly took my breath away, and my breasts wobbled crazily despite how small and perky they were. I almost needed a sports bra, but I couldn’t hold on to them. I curled my arms around his hand and held on for dear life as Jace impaled me over and over again, stoking that fire in my belly.
My breath began to hitch again, and I thought I couldn’t be more than a few thrusts away from my second blinding orgasm of the night, when Jace released me and rose up on his knees. I stretched out, surprised at how stiff my back felt, but he didn’t give me any time to work out the kinks.
He pushed my legs to his left, then flipped me into a doggy-style position, never taking his magnificent cock out of my eager sex. Pausing for a moment, he regathered my hair into another ponytail and pulled me back against his cock.
I yelped in surprise and then shivered in pleasure as he slapped my ass, hard enough that I was sure I’d have a big red hand print there in a few seconds. My legs quivered in anticipation. Would he start fucking me hard, or spank me again? I was amazed to discover that either would have been completely fine by me.
“Ow! Oh… mmm!”
I didn’t have the words to describe how good that sting felt, that control he had via the grip on my hair, how good that fullness felt. All I knew was that I was his and he could do anything he wanted to me.
“You like that, Kendall? You like being my little fucktoy?”
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” I panted.
“What do you want?”
“Ow! Please… fuck me!”
“Fuckin’ right!”
Jace gripped my hair tight enough that the back of my head stung almost as much as my ass cheek and pounded into me so hard that each thrust and impact was a blur. With that hold on my hair and one hand on the small of my back, he kept me in the perfect position to rail me at full power until I felt new tears of pleasure watering my eyes.
That second climax that had been hovering around the edges since shortly after the first was perilously close now. I closed my eyes and grit my teeth.
That was all it took to push me over the edge. Pleasure beyond reckoning shook my body, and my tight pussy muscles clamped down on Jace’s cock. I thought I was screaming his name, but in reality I could have been screaming in tongues for all I knew.
As I floated on my tidal wave of ecstasy, I felt the first spurt of Jace’s hot cum inside me and that wonderful warmth spreading out. It was like his essence, his strength, was becoming part of me. I felt powerful, strong, fearless, as if I would feel like this forever.
I should have been worried about getting pregnant, but even after our first encounter I hadn’t gone to get the morning-after pill. I’d thought about it, but then left the pharmacy with some aloe vera cream for my tender pussy instead.
Jace had given me a gift, and again tonight, and that would have been like rejecting it. I couldn’t do that. Everything he gave me was precious because it was from him, the only one in the whole world who looked at me and saw something special.
I realized now, as the orgasm-fog cleared away, that I never had any hope of keeping it purely professional with Jace. He was in my head from the moment I saw him, and everything he did was helping him force his way into my heart too.
I could have happily fallen asleep in Jace’s arms after that, but when he’d said we were going to do everything he wanted all night, he meant it. It was almost three o’clock in the morning by the time he’d had his way with me to his satisfaction.
Afterwards, my legs wouldn’t immediately work, so he carried me to the bathroom. He set me down in the shower, with seven showerheads blasting us with warm relaxing water. Jace cleaned me from head to toe with shower gel that smelled a lot like the oils from AquaVell.
By the time he’d done that, I was able to return the favor, exploring his body with slow awe, feeling every scar and muscle at my own pace, without having his hard dick bending my mind to distraction at the same time. He was a work of art, and he was right. Some pieces of art were more OK than others.
After the shower, instead of returning to the same room we’d just been in, he carried me to another bedroom as if I was light as a feather. This was much more extensively furnished, and I guessed this must be the real master bedroom.
He put me in bed, then turned out the light before joining me. I cuddled up to him, and after a pause as if he was unsure of himself for the first time, he cuddled me back.
I took a deep breath and sighed. So exhausted, happy and satisfied, I nuzzled into him even closer and was halfway to drifting off to sleep when Jace spoke in the darkness.
“I never tracked down my parents,” he said.
“To answer your question. I never tracked down my parents.”
“Why not?”
“Because they died in a car crash when I was five, maybe six. I was in the car with them.”
The Ex Machina Motorcycle Club headquarters was built like a post-apocalyptic fortress. I let them run their drugs through the city with almost zero regulations, other than fair competition from my guys, so I knew, with the kind of money that was flowing through their hands, they could have done a lot better.
, they seemed to like it like this, walls made from mismatched pieces of corrugated iron, barbed wire everywhere. That was their style.
The only thing they’d really changed since I first made my deal with them was an upgrade of weapons. The men manning the walls up there by the spotlights weren’t doing it with pipes, chains and second-hand six-shooters anymore. Now they had machine guns.
Normally I wouldn’t come here, but a day like this demanded my presence. Their availability as an on-call mobile army, separate from my own operations, was too valuable an asset to lose.
Two Ex Machina members escorted me across the courtyard. We walked past a bonfire where a big group sat around drinking beer, barely avoiding breaking into brawls, and semi-ignoring the biker-chick getting finger-banged not quite outside its circle of light.
Some of them stared at me with open hostility. They could fuckin’ try it if they wanted.
One building, obviously designed by the same architect responsible for the outer walls, was rattling and shaking so loudly that it was impossible to tell what kind of music was causing it. Smoke and lights poured out of the gaps in the walls, and mingled with the night air. Weed, grease and burning rubber.
Another building was filled with bikes in various states of being dismantled and rebuilt. Sparks flew from grinders and welding masks stared at blindingly bright lights as they made whatever modifications they wanted.
This was what a motorcycle club did after getting caught in a surprise attack by a well-armed enemy. My enemy.
I wasn’t being led to either of those buildings though. I had a meeting with “Iron” Jim Morrins, the man in charge here, and I was heading towards the door with guards posted.
One of them reached back and banged on the door with his fist without saying a word to us. Somebody on the inside unlocked it before swinging it open on hinges that screamed. Jim had three people talking to him at once, and there was a map on his desk. They all shut up when they saw I had arrived.
“Barlow,” he said.
His face was neutral behind that long greying beard, but he didn’t extend his hand to me, so I didn’t extend mine to him. This would have been a lot easier without his subordinates in the room.
“Iron” Jim was looking a little less iron these days, but I knew under that gut was muscle almost hard enough to break your hand on, because he wouldn’t do business with me until we’d fought. For a guy in his fifties, he gave a pretty fuckin’ good account of himself.
“Jim. How much worse is it than I’ve heard on the news?”
“About ten times worse. We got most of ours out, and three of theirs. We left one of them, and didn’t have time to get the last six of ours before the police arrived.”
“Yeah, I thought you were supposed to keep the police away from our bar-” began one of Jim’s guys.
“Shut the fuck up, Ed, I’m talking here,” said Jim.
I answered anyway. “I’ve kept the police away from your business for two years, but this was an open gunfight. If police don’t show up, and fast, then we start having to deal with independent federal investigations. We don’t need that shit.”
“Thirty-seven dead, another dozen injured.”
“The reports said it was the Picollis. That true?” I asked.
That was the crux of the matter. That was what made this my business, and made this visit necessary. If this was no territory play by some other club, then the Picollis were not as scattered to the four winds as I hoped, but alive and organized.
“Yeah. They gave us a message before all hell broke loose. They said you couldn’t protect us.”
Inwardly I smirked in triumph. The Picollis had played them wrong. Saying something like that wouldn’t make Ex Machina run for the hills. It would simply provoke a violent response, given the chance. On the outside, I kept my poker-face on.
“You got their bodies back here?” I asked.
“Yeah, they’re in there.” He pointed at a closed door. “We’re going to feed the motherfuckers to the dogs once you’ve had a look at them.”
Jim opened the door and held his hand out for me to go ahead. On the floor, stacked haphazardly, were three very well-dressed and very dead mobsters.
I crouched down and pushed the suit jacket back on the top one, before ripping his shirt sleeve at the shoulder. There it was, the Picolli family mark tattooed in dark ink. I used to have one myself, until I added a hangman’s noose around the design, and now it was unrecognizable.
“You know ‘em?” Jim asked, standing over me while his captains crowded round the door.
I took out my phone and took photos of each of their faces. “No. Just low-level soldiers, and new. After my time. Do you know where they came from? Where they went?”
“Nope. One of my guys followed them for a ways, but a pissed off biker is pretty fuckin’ conspicuous. He was lucky to get away alive. They went ‘west’ but that don’t help us none.”
I stood, bringing myself back past Jim’s height and looked from him to the blocked exit. They had me cornered. If they wanted to try and extract some revenge from me, this was their best shot. I took the time to look each one of them in the eye before gesturing out the same way Jim had gestured in.
After a tense pause, everybody headed back to Jim’s desk and he offered me a seat opposite him. I stayed standing up.
“I’m going to arrange a payment to you of ten thousand per head for the brothers you lost today. I’m not telling you what to do with the money, but I want it to go to their families if they had any. Two thousand to each of the injured. It’s not enough, but no amount of money is enough to pay this back. So with the money comes a promise. I will give you the opportunity to take part in a fucking massacre when the time comes. It might involve a road trip, but you still have wheels, right?”
Jim said nothing for a while. “We, the brothers and I, appreciate that you came down here. That shows respect. And balls. This.” He waved his hand around. “Doesn’t change anything about the agreement we have. I didn’t start this club to recruit a bunch of pussies who thought nobody would ever shoot at us. Did I, brothers?”
That got him a round of murmured “fuck no’s.”
“We’ll take you up on that offer,” he finished.
I paused, making sure he was done, and then slowly extended my hand out to him. Equally slowly, he reached out and accepted it, nodding and pumping once up and down.
“Tell the dogs to enjoy their dinner,” I said, and turned to leave.
Outside, it sounded like the party was really ramping up inside the other building, but I didn’t take the time to expand my musical horizons. I headed straight back to my car where my driver and Lorenzo were waiting, no doubt with their hands on the panic buttons in case shit hit the fan.
“Let’s go,” I said as soon as the door was closed behind me, and the car immediately started rolling towards the gates.
Lorenzo was looking out the tinted window with blatant disgust at the bikers he could see around the bonfire, the chaotic scenes everywhere. They were unruly, but if you knew how to point them in the right direction, then they could sure deliver some blunt force trauma.
The car pulled out to the road and we headed back towards the city. Lorenzo, sitting in one of the seats looking backwards, watched the Ex Machina headquarters fade into the distance, his distaste not abated at all.
“You look like you’re sulking,” I said.
“Back in the day we never would have stooped to making deals with animals like these,” he said.
“Well, it isn’t fuckin’ back in the day. Besides, after the little newsflash we got today we might need them more than ever. I didn’t think the Picollis would be able to muster up something like that.”
“What? Did you think they’d lay down and give up?”
“After losing an entire generation, all the heads, their funding and their army all at once? I didn’t think it was the end, but I thought they’d need more time to recover,” I said.
; “Well, I guess they had some money you didn’t know about.”
“Probably. Or they got some help from out of town. Another family. Detroit maybe, because none of the ears we’ve got on the ground heard shit about this coming. So yeah, Ex Machina stays on the books.”
“Fuck ‘em. Cutting in on our profits. We could make this something great, something pure, but we can’t do it with them riding on our coattails,” he said.
“Fuck sake, Lorenzo. It’s that kind of shit that made the Picollis weak enough to take down. Last time I checked “back in the day” wasn’t so fuckin’ peachy for you. You’re as Italian as the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but they never promoted you above soldier. This discussion is over.”
Lorenzo sat back and stewed in his own juices for a while as the city passed by outside. His attitude was getting on my fucking nerves.
Finally he spoke up again. “Tony said he’s got a new batch of girls at the club tonight, ready to start work tomorrow, if you wanted to help break them in. He said one of them can practically suck a man inside out through his cock.”
Ordinarily, I’d be all over that proposition. Some of these bitches could deep-throat a cock while yodeling the alphabet backwards and juggling three live cats, but you might want to use two condoms when you fucked them.
They weren’t even a shadow of a patch on what it felt like to fuck Kendall. They could never imitate the sexy way Kendall sounded when her pussy was wrapped around my cock.
They’d never look at me the way Kendall did. That might have been what I liked the most. In her eyes, I was a hero. I didn’t just fuck her so hard she couldn’t walk. I changed her life.
I’d seen lots of people who were scared of me. I’d seen professional respect. I’d seen bitches cumming so hard that they passed out, but I hadn’t seen anything like the way Kendall looked at me in over two decades. I wondered if it was a coincidence that she was the one asking me so many questions about that time in my life too.
What was the point of fucking a girl who wasn’t Kendall? Her pussy was made of magic or something, she had it all. She even made me laugh once she got over her shyness and started talking freely.