Free Novel Read (Innocence For Sale Book 1) Page 20

  He took it in his hand and I felt the tip pressing into me even harder as he bent his legs and it slid downwards across my navel. I knew where he was taking it.

  “Wait,” I panted, “a condom… do you have a condom?”

  “If you think I’m going to let a piece of rubber come between your sweet little virgin pussy and me, you’re dreaming,” he said.

  “W-what? But… I’m not on the pill… I-”

  “I don’t give a shit. I am going to feel you break on my cock.”

  The tip of his manhood started moving slowly downwards again, getting ever closer to his goal. I had to fight against the urge to rise up on my toes to bring my still-quivering opening to it sooner.

  “Please… I might get pregnant!”

  “Maybe… but sex should be dangerous. You want me to fuck your brains out no matter what. I can see it. You want it anyway, don’t you, Kendall?”

  I blushed and turned my head away from him, embarrassed at being talked about like that, like I was a wanton slut that would do anything for dick. Unfortunately for my sense of dignity, I thought he might be right. Well, in this moment where his glorious dick was concerned anyway.

  “That’s right,” he said before I could answer. “So beg for it.”

  “What? I… I can’t do that.” My blush deepened.

  The throbbing end of his shaft was at my waistline now, so close to where we both wanted it to be. I turned back and looked at him with every ounce of pleading I could put into a single expression, and couldn’t see him retreat an inch.

  “If you want this cock, you will. Tell me, Kendall, tell me I can fuck you as hard as I want. Tell me I can do anything I want to you because... You. Are. Mine.”

  The tip of his manhood was almost touching my clit. I clenched my teeth together as the primal need inside of me did its level best to drag the words out of my mouth… and succeeded. I whispered so quietly that even I couldn’t hear what I said.

  “Louder, Kendall,” said Jace.


  “Please what?”

  “Please… fuck me. You can… fuck me as hard as you want. I’m yours.”

  I had to drop my eyes away from his intense gaze, as if doing so could hide the fact that those words had actually come out of my mouth. I wasn’t the kind of girl that spoke that way in private, even in my own mind, let alone to another person. Especially not to a man who had every intention of doing exactly what I’d just said.

  His hard rod slid across my clit and nestled between my folds at my very opening, and the stimulation, along with the sense of the sheer size of it, made me draw a sharp breath and look back up at him. With one knee between mine, he pushed my legs apart slightly, making room for himself and putting pressure against my virgin entrance. I gasped again and did rise on my toes a bit.

  “But… please be gentle… I haven’t… um… done this before,” I said in direct contradiction to the last words out of my mouth.

  Jace smirked. “Sure.”

  The head of his hard length pushed harder against me, and my breath caught as I bit my bottom lip and rose higher on my toes. The relief was short-lived though, as he followed me up. He had a lot more height to work with than I did.

  I was more wet between my legs than I’d ever been in my life, Jace had made sure of that, and despite his girth I felt my labia straining to let him slide in. It wasn’t long before my entrance was at what I thought must surely be its limit, a taut ring around the very end of his manhood, but still he wasn’t inside me.

  Jace let out a quiet breath of satisfaction, apparently enjoying the feel of me, or watching my struggle, or both. One of my hands dropped to his hip and pressed there as if trying to push away, even as I felt my clit pulse with a tiny jolt of excitement.

  I was trapped in the no-man’s-land between the fear of pain and the need for pleasure, the kind of pleasure only he had ever given me. If it had been left up to me, we might have been caught in that indecision for a long time, but Jace was not in two minds. Not even a little bit.

  The pressure increased and my untested sex was pushed beyond my assumed limits. I let out a cry as pain seemed to be winning this particular battle in its war with pleasure.

  My feet felt light on the floor, as if most of my weight was being held up by the pressure on my opening, and my hand on his hip wasn’t doing anything, so I brought it back up around his neck. Through clenched teeth, I let out another strained sound when I couldn’t hold it in anymore.

  I was about to beg him to stop when I felt a small sense of relief, and I finally accepted the head of his length inside me. The balls of my feet were more firm on the ground, the swollen tip was past my tight entrance and I felt something like a strange kind of triumph as I looked up at him and he held my gaze.

  Inside me, I could feel him right at the doorstep of the last token defense of my virginity. This morning it had seemed as safe as ever, but now there was no doubt it was being claimed. In a few seconds, it would belong to Jace and nothing could ever change that.

  With a sharp thrust of his hips and a push from his legs, the tattooed millionaire took what he wanted, and pushed inch after inch of his manhood inside me. Never in a million years of Sundays had I ever dreamed that I could feel so full.

  I cried out at the suddenness of it, the intensity of it, and went back to the tips of my toes again for a moment. It was only a second or so before my feet left the floor, partly lifted by his rigid length and partly by the hands he moved back to my bare ass, cupping and pulling so that I had no choice but to wrap my legs around his hips.

  Deeper and deeper he went inside me, and I had a fleeting thought about whether his erection went on forever, until I felt that tight ring of my opening meet the base of his shaft. I held on for dear life, my mind had been scattered to the four corners of the universe by the overwhelming physical sensations between my legs, inside me.

  Jace hadn’t just claimed my virginity, he was touching me in places even I hadn’t touched. He was touching me in places I suspected nobody else even could touch. I had no more depth to offer, he filled me up utterly and completely as if I was custom-made for him, and he for me.

  Before I could even begin to get used to the way he felt, buried to the hilt in my inexperienced tunnel, he lifted with his hands and pulled back with his hips, almost taking the entire length out of me. When I felt the bumpy ridge of the head almost at my entrance, he thrust forward hard and our bodies met with a slapping sound.

  “Uhn!” I squealed.

  I was on fire between my legs, I was wrapped around his length more closely than a coat of paint could have been. He had a look of hunger in his eyes that spoke volumes about which of my requests he was going to grant. Hard or gentle?

  “You love that cock, little girl?” He asked, pulling back and thrusting forward once more, making me yelp with that confusing mixture of pain and pleasure.

  I wasn’t sure if I loved it. Nothing had ever physically hurt me so much, but nothing had ever felt so good either. I might have loved it, but I definitely needed it, so I told him what I knew he wanted to hear.

  “Yeah,” I panted, taking his length over and over again.

  Each stroke was punctuated by the clapping sound of our bodies, the little sounds it forced out of me and my own heavy breathing. He thrust at a speed that I could barely take, considering his size and my inexperience. I couldn’t believe how long it was between each clap, when it felt so fast.

  “Say it, Kendall, tell me you love it. Beg for more.”

  “Um… uh… ow! Um…” I struggled for words between thrusts. “F-fuck me, Jace… I love that… that big cock… Fuck me hard!”

  My jaws snapped shut with a clack of teeth. I hadn’t even meant to say that last bit. I hadn’t known it was going to come out of my mouth until it was already said.

  What was Jace doing to me? How had he brought this… this sex-crazed side out of me? For a moment I was embarrassed by what I’d said, but the way Jace’s
expression changed made me feel exactly the opposite. I felt… sexy.

  Despite the pain, a hopeful smile played at the corners of my lips, and Jace granted my wish. The claps started coming closer together, and I could feel each impact jarring the rest of my body.

  The fire he was stoking burned hotter with every passing second. Soon he was going to push me further than I could go, but I could also feel that humming undercurrent that came with it, that promise of a pleasure-explosion even bigger than the previous.

  Would I reach that climax or the limits of my ability to handle the pain first? I had no idea, but the promise was so enticing that I had to try. I needed to take as much as I could.

  Faster and faster, Jace made love to me. No, that was the wrong choice of words. This wasn’t making love. This was fucking, just like he said. With help from his hands, and the force of his thrusts, I was soon bouncing on his cock, getting fucked hard enough that I could feel even my humble-sized breasts shaking from the pounding.

  “I knew you’d have a perfect little tight pussy, damn,” he grunted, never losing the rhythm of his thrusts.

  My “little tight pussy” couldn’t take much more, but just when I was about to reluctantly scream for him to stop, that fire joined forces with the undercurrent and a flush spread on my skin from my sex and crept its way towards my extremities.

  I could feel it flowing over my belly, my chest, and my breaths started getting slower, deeper. All I could do was look up at Jace, almost with disbelief at the enormity of what was growing inside of me, as he rocked my entire body.

  He saw or felt the change in me and somehow found some higher gear to shift to, until his cock must have been almost a blur as it pistonned in and out of my newly deflowered pussy. I couldn’t have held my orgasm back even if I wanted to.

  Every muscle in my body went rigid with ecstasy, curling my toes and squeezing my eyes shut as my pussy clamped down on Jace’s powerful shaft, increasing the friction above and beyond my youthful tightness all the more.

  He grunted with pure pleasure of his own as I felt the first hot splash of semen ever to be unleashed inside of me. From whichever distant dimension my mind had been banished to, worries of getting pregnant flashed through before getting lost in the haze of bliss.

  He moved one hand from my ass to my neck, not squeezing tight enough to hurt, but almost as if he was reminding me that he was in charge. I held on to his wrist and tilted my head up to breathe easier, and he leaned down to kiss me as he continued to fill me with his seed.

  I didn’t know men came so much, another surprise from Jace for me. I could feel his creamy load escaping with each now-sporadic thrust as I struggled to snatch the oxygen my body needed around his grip, his kiss.

  The struggle only prolonged my orgasm, eking out more pleasure than I could have dreamed was possible. After heaven only knew how long, everything was still in the dim storage room, except for the sounds of the two of us trying to catch our breath.

  Jace rested his forehead against mine, moving his hand to cup my ass again and support my weight. I stared into his eyes, reveling in the afterglow and still feeling his incredible presence inside me. I wanted to remember this moment forever.

  Eventually, slowly, he set me down on my feet and withdrew his length from me. The feeling of emptiness almost made me want to cry. I’d gone over eighteen years without Jace’s cock inside me, so why did it feel so terrible all of a sudden?

  “I’ve got to go,” he said.

  “W-what? Can’t we…”

  I’d been about to say the word “cuddle,” but something about the way he was matter-of-factly dressing himself again made me wonder if that concept was as alien to him as ‘making love’ was, as opposed to fucking.

  “What am I supposed to do?” I finished instead, indicating my ripped-open shirt, the evidence of my virginity and our sex now flowing down the insides of my thighs.

  For a second, he looked like he was going to say he didn’t give a damn and I felt a lump in my throat. Instead, his expression softened almost imperceptibly.

  “I’ll get a car for you. We’ll leave out the back entrance.”

  As he was about to put his suit jacket on he glanced at me, holding the sides of my shirt across my chest, before draping it over my shoulders. On me, it was almost like a short trench-coat and I pulled it protectively around me.

  Jace spoke to somebody on his phone as I stood there awkwardly. I looked at the wall I’d been pinned against so recently and saw a dent in the sheetrock that hadn’t been there when we first walked into the room.

  I turned back to Jace, who seemed to be doing his best to not even look at me as he gave instructions to somebody, a driver perhaps. What did this all mean? Had I just been used? Had I just given my virginity to somebody who didn’t care about me at all?

  Jace’s eyes wandered to me, and then looked away. Maybe I was wearing my heart on my sleeve, maybe he saw those questions written on my face, because he redoubled his efforts to not look in my direction.

  The lump returned to my throat and I looked down at my feet. I wanted to curl up and…

  Jace was right in front of me and, before I could look up, I felt his arm wrap around me and pull me close. My cheek rested against his chest and I looked up at him with hope.

  He was unreadable, but he was holding me. Being there in his arms felt like being in a suit of armor, or a tank.


  My muscles felt pumped as if I’d just finished lifting weights, and I was almost shaking with anticipation. After that shit with Santino the previous night, this dumb fuck picked the wrong day to break the rules and get caught.

  He had to know that he’d shit the bed on this one. A punk-level guy like him doesn’t get a meeting with me out of the blue. Meetings like the kind he seemed to think he was having didn’t happen in this ‘office’ miles away from my high-rise, either. This office was soundproof and easy to clean.

  Yet, he was still trying to play it cool, praying at the back of his mind for a miracle. Praying that I didn’t know it was him and his friends that rolled the liquor store in China Town.

  So here he was talking about all these ideas he had to improve my fucking business, missing every opportunity I was giving him to get off the bullshit train. Holy fuck was it making me angry.

  Lorenzo stood in the corner behind him, hands clasped nonchalantly at crotch-level and shaking his head as he listened to Tony here dig a hole for himself. I hadn’t decided if the hole was six feet deep yet.

  “So I can cut the heroin with icing sugar and increase profits, huh?” I asked.

  “Yeah! Yeah, man, that’s the shit I’m sayin’!”

  “Wow! You’re a fucking genius. Hey Tony, one businessman to another, I had a few ideas myself, could I maybe run them by you?”

  “By me? Yeah! Yes sir, Mr. Barlow, I’ll… yeah anything you want!”

  “Great!” I stood to my feet and began pacing in front of him. “See, when you’re in business you might have a lot of business partners. Some of them are big, and some of them are small, but if you fuck one of the small ones over, word gets around to the big ones, you know?”

  “Yeah, makes sense, sir,” he said, beginning to stand up.

  “Sit the fuck down.” I pointed at him and waited for him to slowly sink back into the hard wooden chair that was no doubt getting more uncomfortable by the second.

  “Sir, I-”

  “Shut the fuck up, I’m talking here. Of course it makes sense, but you haven’t let me get to my question. That’s rude, Tony, that pisses me the fuck off.”



  I gave him an open-palmed slap across the face. I didn’t want to risk knocking him out. Not yet. His head rocked to the side anyway, and when he looked back, that calm-ish veneer was gone. It didn’t take the genius I had labelled him as to realize where this might be going.

  “There you go again. Just nod if you want to agree with me. Nod, motherfucker.” />
  He did.

  “So one of my little business partners owns a liquor store in China Town. My accountants tell me he pays early every month. Every month, isn’t that fantastic? He pays for protection to keep his business going. You see how this works? Businesses interacting… synergy?”

  I reached out and grabbed a fistful of Tony’s hair with one hand and his jawline with the other, shaking his head back and forth to make him nod furiously. His face was a mask of terror when I let go, pale-skinned with a sheen of sweat.

  “When somebody who works for me fucks over a business partner like that, it throws a wrench in the works of my whole business. It fucks with my cash flow. It’s like stealing from me. In certain cultures, when somebody steals something from their employer, it’s customary to cut their hand off. Did you know that?”

  Tony opened his mouth, but then shut it again and shook his head, all remaining color draining from his face. He was probably saying he didn’t know and begging me not to do that in equal measures. I wouldn’t have been surprised if a wet patch showed up on the front of his pants.

  I was almost ready to boil over. The thought of tenderizing his face under my fists was all too seductive. I simply wanted to let him marinade in his own stupidity a little longer.

  “Anyway, my idea was to do that, but also make any shit for brains punk who steals from me eat his own hand too. How the fuck about that?”

  With a hard kick, I broke the two flimsy wooden legs on one side of the chair and Tony tumbled to the ground at my feet. As he tried to get up, I kicked him right in the stomach and he crumpled back to the ground with a groaning whoosh of air.

  “You stupid motherfucker!” I stomped on his ribs and broke at least one of them.

  “Please!” he wheezed.

  “Too late for that!”

  I bent down and rolled him over, straddling his stomach so I could ruin his face with punches and elbows. After a few strikes, the impacts started sounding pretty wet.

  “Please!” This was a lot more gurgly-sounding. More slurred.

  “Who else did the job with you?” I asked.